Saturday, June 30, 2018

Monsters into Magic Items, C-D

How to introduce these 'recipes' to the players?
1. A wizard tells them he'll pay them to retrieve the gizzard of a lizard so he can create a mask of the vizard. In a blizzard.
2. You shank a wizard and find random uses for monsters in the margins of their spellbook
3. The players preemptively collect the body parts of a dragon or other big bad and ask around for who's buying, and why
4.The players do magical research themselves on salvaged monster bits and learn all the uses for that monster
5. They hear it as a random rumor
6. The knowledge is 'revealed unto them in a dream' to explain their meta-knowledge because not all metagaming is bad ya know, sometimes it's better to just have the character know what the player knows because you're not running a mystery novel here, get going on an adventure already jeez

Potion Of Equine Fancy-No, not like that. Mundane equines fed this potion will transform into a
1-Winged Horse
2- Unicorn
3- Hippocampus
4- Talking Horse
5- Centaur
6- Thracian Horse (they eat flesh and do not fear battle)
Component- Centaur blood.
Spell-Equus Ex Nihilo AKA Mount, phantasmal steed, etc- Creates a trained horse from nothing until the duration is up or it dies, at which point it fades to nothing.
Component-Brush made of all the hairs of a centaurs tail.
Item-Civilizing Horseshoes- Affixing these to a creature with hooves charms it and turns it into an agreeable mount so long as they are not removed.
Component- A weapon wielded by a centaur and used to kill, reforged into a horseshoe
Weapon- Horseman's Man Bow-  No penalties for mounted archery apply to the wielder, those struck by the arrows must save or be dismounted.
Component- the bow must be used in a battle from the back of the centaur before it awakens.

Potion Of Chimeric Fusion- Feed it to yourself and everyone(and everything) you want to fuse with you into an freakish combination.
Components- 1 cup Blood drawn from each head of the beast
Spell- Half Polymorph Other- As polymorph other, but the target gets separate saves for their limbs, torso, and head.
Component- Chimera corpse, bisected vertically, with no other wounds.
Item- Protean Bezoar- Clutch in hand for Unlimited use of Polymorph Self. Save vs mutation each time, you change form, mutations persist across all forms, negative ones always overriding positive aspects of transformations if applicable- ie, if you mutate away your legs, you can't ever grow more.
Component-A bezoar from the goat-stomach, ideally made from the hair of the lion's mane.
Weapon- Grafter's Axe-Handaxe +3.On a 1 to hit, your wielding limb flies off, on a 20 you hack off a random bit of your target (typically a limb or head). These dismembered parts glow faintly for 1 minute and stay alive throughout, and can be pressed to living creatures to become part of them.
Component- An axe forged with the fiery breath of the lion head, tempered chemically with the venom of the snake head, and quenched in the lifeblood of the goat head.
>but the book says Chimera have a dragon head
No no, 2 heads up front, the goat and lion, and the lion tail is a serpent, that's how chimera be

Cockatrice as antichrist, and the main character is a rooster
read this book if you see it at the library
Potion- Reincarnation- A cockatrice egg, properly treated with relatively fresh blood of the deceased, can serve as a vessel for the soul to recreate a body, though the body will be distorted and monstrous.
Component- Cockatrice egg.
Spell- Death Spell
Component- The crow of a cockatrice. Cockatrice crow not at dawn, but to announce the End Times
Item-Chauntecleer's Spurs- Adds +1 to the natural attacks of a bird, or +3 vs creatures of chaos and evil.
Component- The claws of a cockatrice, fashioned into cockspurs(though they'd fit on other birds too)
Weapon- Cockatrice Corpse- Affixed at the end of a spear. Turn your enemies to stone on hits, at least until the body rots and it loses its power. Can easily turn against yourself and friends, like if  you fall down some stairs.
Component- Cockatrice. Doesn't technically need to be dead, but makes it easier.

Crab, Giant
Potion- Of Invulnerability. Unfortunately that's not as good as it sounds in BFRPG, is only +2AC.
Component- A molted crabshell
Spell- Shield
Component- A crabs heart, slain before it ever reached melee range with its killer. Perhaps magic is a wish the heart makes, and the crab would surely have wished for protection.
Item- Apparatus Of Kwalish- just google it ok. But don't use google, they sold out to gettyimages
Component- The exoskeleton of  a 100 year old crab.
Weapon- Pincer Swords- Paired, 1-edged swords. Their magical bonus acts as additional penalty reductions for dual wielding. They may be used to grapple people or shear items in twain if both attacks hit.
Component- The claw of a crab that wielded a blade, and said wielded blade. Crabs are grabby, it's more likely than you'd think

Potion- Oil of Displacement- items covered in this oil appear '3' from its true location, direction randomly determined once applied but stable until the oil dries up.
Component-Sweat from the beast
Spell- Mirror Image/Projected Image
Component- The reflection of a displacer
Item- Mirror of Falsehoods- displaces everything reflected in the mirror.

Component-The hide of a displacer,stretched across the frame of the mirror.The Bigger and more intact the hide, the larger the potential mirror.
Weapon- Mirage Blade-Creates an illusion of the weapon and wielding arm being positioned somewhere other than they actually are. It is nigh impossible to parry, dodge or block, and so only armor provides AC, AC from shields and dexterity being reduced by up to -4. It also can be drawn while appearing to remain sheathed.
Component- The blades of the displacer, used as the core for blades of frozen quicksilver.

Component- All magic items are created by tricking or negotiating with the being
Potion-Smokeless Fire- Friendly entities can grant small portions of their strength as tokens of respect or favor. This is as burning oil, but burns until extinguished with water or earth.
Spell- Summon Djinn (Level 5)-By learning the true name of the creature, one may summon it to perform a task. They dislike being ordered around and will seek loopholes in the wording of the summoner to slay or otherwise discourage further summonings.
Item-Bottled Djinn- If one tricks a Djinn or Ifrit to enter a container, then closes that container on them, the being will be bound. Generally speaking Djinn will perform 3 tasks for those who release them, while Ifrits will be in a murderous rage.
Weapon- Sword of Three Wishes- An incredibly powerful magic item, it can only be created via the cooperation of a Djinn, Ifrit, and Marid inscribing their names onto the sword. As the various types view each other with distaste at best and as mortal enemies at worse, trickery is almost certainly required.

Potion Of Disguise-Gives the imbiber the body of a particular individual. Lasts until damage is taken
Component-The blood of a doppelganger currently transformed into the intended person
Spell- Polymorph Self- Personally I always say you can only turn into monsters you've seen so this spell gives further incentive to see strange beasts and adventure, rather than being a 'flip through the monster manual for the optimal creature' sort of deal.
Component-The doppelgangers eyes
Item-Skinwalkers Suit-A ghastly bodysuit of skin, it allows shapeshifting into humanoid creatures so long as their blood can be dripped onto its surface. It cannot be worn with armor.
Component-The skin of a living doppelganger. If it dies, the magic fades.
Weapon-Reaving Replica- This mass of quicksilver transforms into a replica of any weapon it is pointed at, including magical abilities (this takes a round), until it rolls minimum damage on a hit and reverts to a harmless mass until copies something again.
Component- A golden weapon used to slay a doppelganger, then absorbed by quicksilver.

Dragon-All parts of a dragon are highly potent and valuable for creating all sorts of magic items or enhancing the power of other items-As an example, one could use the base HD of the dragon instead of a boar for determining the maximum bonus of a Two-Tusked Bident, using dragon bone for the shaft of the Bident, or soaking it in dragon blood.
Heart-Eating the heart of a dragon while fresh (roasting optional) will bestow knowledge of spells and languages known. If more than one person shares the meal, the granted wisdom is spread randomly, but not evenly, between all the feasters. Spells granted to non-spellcasters can be cast but once, or serve as an excuse to turn into a multiclass.
Scales-The scales of a dragon may be fashioned into a suit of magical armor(as plate) that provides resistance against the breath weapon of that dragon- +3 to saving throws against and half damage taken from that damage type. Baby dragon's hides are equivalent to magical leather and supple enough that they require no further workings to wear, and ancient dragons scales are so large that they are more suitable to be used as shields.
Teeth- Suitable as arrows, javelin heads, etc. They tend to have residual energy from the breath weapon that passed them so often stored within, and deal +1d6 extra elemental damage and strike as magic weapons. Their destructive power destroys them upon being fired though, hit or miss, and a dragon typically has 4xHD teeth.
Tail- The tail of a dragon, if hacked off while alive, is good base material for a weapon. Dry it out and hammer it down as though it were hot iron, and a weapon shall take form along the contours of meat, scales, and bone. This mummified piece of flesh, though malformed and misshappen, will be a magical weapon dealing damage equal to the tail slap damage of the beast (or 1 dice class bigger if wielded 2-handed) with a +1 enhancement per 4HD of the creature. Though extremely durable, these weapons are still organic flesh and bone, not metal.
Dew Claws- A general enhancement, dissolving powdered dragon dewclaw into a potion will add an additional dose to it. Dragons have one such claw per foot. The other claws are usable as magical daggers or swords, but due to their awkward shape (a curved thrusting weapon), for each point of enhancement they get -1 to hit instead of +1, and are typically reserved as decorative or ceremonial weapons.

Potion-Oil Of Salad Dressing- Grows plants into a whimsical outfit. Gives +1 to reaction rolls from nature spirits and fashionistas. Can also be used to create wooden armor, which is as light and protective as magic armor of similar weight but loses 1AC per hit suffered as it is not very durable.
Component-A fallen leaf from a dryad's tree
Spell- Speak to Plants, Growth of Plants, Charm Plants
Component-Dryads can teach these spells, or their trees may be made into scroll paper.
Item- Curse Burl-A heavy burl of cursed wood carved into a replica of someone's head. Malicious magic will be diverted towards the Burl instead of the one whose face it matches, and vice versa, provided both are in range. Once the burl can no longer sustain the weight of consumed curses, it will split and release all stored evils upon those nearby, typically being able to hold 2d6 spells before splitting.
Component-A burl from a dryads tree, which develop in response to impurity, evil, and curses in the environment.
Weapon- Heartless Bow- Arrows fired from this bow break Charm effects, and those struck must save or lose any love they have in their hearts. The wielder is immune to charm effects, but is similarly loveless and suffers halved charisma due to their heart overflowing with hate.
Component-Heartwood from a dryad's tree, harvested by someone spurned.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Monsters Into Magic Items, A-B

Monster bits are good for
A Potion
A Spell(to learn, or to store within a wand)
A Magic Item
A Magic Weapon (Bonus equal to +1 per 4HD of the source monster)
I'm arbitrarily skipping some listings that don't fill me with wonder and excitement, so prepare to be disappointed if you were really hyped for 'Antelope' or ''Dinosaur' entries. I'm also drawing from the BFRPG monster manual. There is also a fair amount of silliness.

Generally speaking potion components are much easier to obtain than the other 'recipes' and one must spend downtime and gold to finish the creation of these items once the components are retrieved.

Ant, Giant(Or ant-people)
Potion Of Ant Strength- Your encumbrance and carrying weight increases by x10.
Component- A manmade item that was carried into the nest by a giant ant. 
Spell- Purify Food and Water. There's a Hopi myth where the Ant-people helped humans survive an apocalyptic event by sharing their teachings about food storage, and their thin waists come from when they deprived themselves of food.
Component-the waist of an ant that starved to death.
Magic Item- Crown of The Queen Mother- Only usable by women who have given birth. Women may swear fealty to you so long as they have not given birth, and they will be blessed with unbreakable morale. They may transfer would-be pregnancies to you so as to keep this blessing, and yes, you can give birth to a hundred children at once and not die or nuffin.
Component- The wings of an Ant Princess
Magic Weapon- Ant Jaws- Like a mancatcher. Allows you to grapple at a 10-foot range at the end of the polearm, and to inflict d6 damage via grappling
Component- A jaw from a black giant ant and from a red giant ant that slew each other

Assassin Vine, Hangmans' Tree, other strangly killer plants
Potion- Oil of Silent Movement
Component- Flowers/seeds of the tree. Adds +50% to move silently rolls.
Spell- Silence, 15' radius
Component- The tongues of a man, a dog, and a songbird all slain by the plant in question
Magic Item- Magic Rope- Ties or unties itself at a command
Component-A root and a vine/branch of precisely the same length, braided together

Magic Weapon- Vegetable Garrotte- Can only be used in a Sneak Attack against appropriate foes. Inflicts 1d8 +magic bonus worth of strangulation in grapples(and double that in the sneak attack), escape is v death ray +str and takes a full action.
Component- A severed vine, harvested in pitch darkness.

Potion- Stone-To-Flesh
Component- A days worth of basilisk drool
Component- The eyes of a basilisk, harvested while cross-eyed
Magic Item- Basilisk Cloak- If the ends touch each other, it hardens to stone-like consistency. Big enough to hide 2 people under.
Component- The hide of a petrified basilisk
Magic Weapon- Basilisk Tooth Pickaxe- Spending a charge(charges=to basilisk teeth, replaced as tips) smash through up to 10' stone. Counts as +3 v creatures of stone such as stone golems, gargoyles, earth elementals, etc. Once out of teeth charges, it is a regular pickaxe.
Component- The Teeth of a Basilisk

Bat, Giant
Potion of Blindness-Blinds you, but gives you bat-sonar.
Component- The echo of a bat-screech
Spell- Curse of the Bat- Causes blindness, eyes vanish and are replaced by smooth skull or whatever
Component- The eyes of a bat. Bats don't have eyes, of course, discarding them at birth.
Magic Item- Blindhelm- Adds +1 AC. No eye slits. Figure it out.
Component- Skull of a Giant Bat slain in the light of Noon
Magic Weapon- Batarang- As thrown dagger, but ignores penalties for cover and concealment, arcing and ricocheting. Even if you can't actually see the target, so long as you know their position you can get an angle of attack.
Component- Claw of a bat that died but didn't touch the ground until the claw was harvested.

Bear, Various
Potion-Potion Of Bearing With It- If you would die, turn to stone, or otherwise be disabled, you can press on for 1 extra round before succumbing.
Component- Bear heart
Spell- Bear Weight- As floating disc, but it looks like a bear
Component- Bear spine, coiled into a circle, and stretched with bear hide.
Magic Item- Bear Naked Cloak-Give +AC equal to your attack bonus (including strength) so long as you're attacking in melee. Cannot be worn with other armor or clothes.
Component-Hide of a bear that slew someone after it was already dead.
Magic Weapon- Bear Hands- Clawed and furry gauntlets. 2 1d3 damage attacks, but if both hit, you can do a bearhug
Component- Arms of a bear that  died hugging someone

Bee, Giant
Potion- Of Longevity-Reduces age by 1d10 years. Save vs Mutation, as it is meant for bees.
Component- Royal Jelly
Spell- Honeyed Tongue-As Charm Person
Component- Tongue of a Queen Bee
Magic Item- Propolis- A resinous, sealing glue. Corpses preserved by it rise as mummies.
Component-Propolis, pilfered from giant hives.
Magic Weapon- Stinger of Sacrifice- A fragile arrow, dagger or spear. Forces a venomous Save vs Poison or Die on hits, but contains no venom. The wielder dies afterwards, no save, their soul consumed to fuel the attack. Soulless creatures cannot use the dagger.
Component- Stinger of a bee that died trying to sting something immune to poison.

Black Pudding-Component- A Black Pudding of 2HD size, typically contained via freezing and trapping in a pot
Potion- Bottled Death- 2HD size pudding, typically kept in a clay pot
Spell- Clotted Darkness- As darkness, but it is semisolid slime that extinguishes torches to boot.
Magic Item- Cleaner Bag- A large sack with a sessile black pudding that devours organic substances put inside, and spits out inorganic substances.
Magic Weapon- Acid Flail- A hollow mace with various valves that open upon applied pressure, allowing a tiny black pudding to strike, but not escape. Deals acid damage, may dissolve organic substances like leather armor, spider webs, etc.

Blink Dog
Potion of Alacritous  Escape- As dimension door, but simply takes the imbiber as far from danger as possible.
Component- Hair from a sleeping Blink Dog.
Spell- Dimension Doggy Door- As dimension door, but you emerge through an undersized square flap you had to crawl through
Component- Fully intact blink dog hide- typical skinning methods will not do.
Magic Item-Bracer of Blinking- Teleports wearer 1d100 feet in a random horizontal direction after they make a melee attack. If they would end up inside something, they save vs spells, staying where they are on a success and instantly dying otherwise.
Component- A vertebrae of a blink dog slain as it attacks, before it could teleport away.
Magic Weapon- Canine Katana- Upon unsheathing it, you may teleport 120 behind a target you can see and strike them in the same motion. It takes a round to sheathe or unsheathe it. The command word is 'Nuffinpersonnellkid.' When not attacking like this, the blade strikes with 1 lower size of die, and it is considered an evil weapon.
Component- The iron from the blood of an entire pack of Blink Dogs. The puppies too, or the blade will lack sufficient edge.

Potion Of Hog Wildness- If you would die, turn to stone, or otherwise be disabled, you can press on for 1 extra round before succumbing.
Component- Bear BOAR heart 
Spell- Neutralize Poison- Technically it just redirects the poison to your fat reserves and away from your vitals
Component- Boar Fat of a boar that died of old age
Magic Item- Pearl of Swine- Those who drink from a cup with a Pearl of Swine inside must save or be transformed into pigs. Wild folk become boars, civilized people become pigs.
Component-Pearl jewelry retrieved from a live boar's stomach.
Magic Weapon- Two-Tusked Bident- In addition to being able to charge and set vs charge, one may Countercharge, in which you charge a charging opponent and deal quadruple damage on a hit, provided you hit first.
Component- The tusks of a boar slain during its charge.

Bugbear (and other things I consider 'goblinoids')
Potion of Ugliness Makes you ugly enough to be mistaken for a Bugbear if you're a big guy, Orc or Hobgoblin if you're of average height, or a goblin if you're a little person. This potion is very cheap to make.
Component- A goblinoid eyeball
Spell- Glamour of the Greatest Goblinoid- As Charm Person, but bullying-based
Component- The fist of a Bugbear, with the fist of a goblin clenched inside, cut off in that position while the owners were alive.
Magic Item-Monolith of Goblinoid Upgrades- Goblins, Hobgoblins, Bugbears, etc will transform into improved HD goblinoids if they offer a humanoid sacrifice at the altar.
Component- The skull of a Bugbear Chieftain, strangled with the entrails of a Bugbear Shaman, and the remains placed atop a black stone at least 6 feet high.
Magic Weapon- Bugbear Shank-A dagger that grants the wielder +1 to surprise their enemies, so long as they are wearing leather or lighter and are brandishing it in a hand.
Component-The shinbone of a bugbear who never saw their killer.

Monday, June 11, 2018

One Dozen Wicked BFRPG Wizards

This is mainly a brainstorming exercise of how wicked wizards might exploit spells that don't have obvious Evil Overlord applications to become menaces regardless.
Also I think a lot of these spells are totally crap but oh well, maybe I'll do a 'one dozen wicked GLOG wizards' next

I assigned spells by simply giving wizard 1 the first spell from each level, wizard 2 the second spell, and so on, up to level 5 spells. Level 5 only had 10 spells, so i kept wizards #11 and 12 with no level 5 spell, but working as a team.

Wizard #1- The Saint of Sunlight
1- charm person
2-continual Light
4-charm monster
5-animate dead
Actually this is awful similar to Damon Kars but oh well.

The Saint of Sunlight  is indeed a wicked wizard, but he masquerades as a non-spellcasting saintly character bringing peace between all beings to the realm. His stronghold is totally lit with Continual Light and kept spotlessly clean by tireless skeletal maids(who are in disguise, naturally). He is renowned for being able to convince anyone and anything of the goodness of his cause, but in fact simply spams charm person or charm monster, and if that doesn't work, he uses his already charmed servants to kill people in corpse-preserving ways like poison or stabs to the heart, then raises their corpse to parade it around as proof of 'conversion.' He charms noble beasts like lions and unicorns to accompany him as proof of his saintly nature, and if possible, acquires breeding pairs of them to train their offspring to be friendly without the use of charm spells. To aid his poisonous assassinations, he likely charms poisonous things like giant spiders or serpents, though such creatures are not considered good for his image and he keeps them as secret guardians of his bedchamber, much like the well-preserved and/or disguised undead servants.

Having the charmed 'support' of key figures that once opposed him has given him a loose unification of the local military and religious organizations in a certain town and he is working his way up to usurping the pope-equivalent by demonstrating his superior saintliness compared to the wicked and materialistic clergy of the day, who spend all their time teaming up with murderhobos to loot old crypts. This strongly espoused anti-adventurer stance is mainly just to bring him in conflict with the PCs, but has a side bonus of letting him use dungeons as a source of monsters and perhaps loot. Rival adventuring parties with a Charmed leader do such looting for him, of course.

Wizard #2- Otto of the Grotto
1- Detect Magic
2-Detect Evil

A middle-aged, bald, villainous hoarder of magical trinkets, with a small cabin set near a perilous cliff, from which he peddles various minor magical items and adventuring gear. He uses Detect Magic on people to see if they have any magical items worth looting, and if they do(or if they just prove to be stinking rich by buying his expensive items), he'll tell them that a lost hideout of a famous, anonymous highwayman who raided and pillaged the region for years is rumored to be in the forested mountains nearby near a grove of dead oaks.

Said hideout is incredibly easy to find with the hint of the dead grove, and it is in fact Otto's hoard, and the grotto is basically his personal bankvault+bait. The grotto is nothing but a single cavern with a 20' deep pit, at the bottom of which lies the treasure, a wealth of coins and trinkets, and a simple rope pulley elevator to allow people to ascend or descend.

Otto's plan is simple- follow the players with Darkvision, wait for them to descend into the pit, then gas them all with Cloudkill. Confusion makes it harder to escape the deadly fumes, and he can cut ropes of the pulley or any other ropes set up to make the gas trap harder to escape. Fleeing with darkvision through a mountainous forest at night makes him hard to catch, and if confronted at his own home, he has a cunning escape route that also takes advantage of his darkvision- a reservoir of water, with a short flooded tunnel that emerges up into a 3 way intersection. Any torches of pursuers will be doused while his Darkvision keeps him able to flee down the correct tunnel to escape in stealthy darkness, the other tunnels being trapped with deadfalls and small spiked pits, and even the correct tunnel having a pit trap that he jumps over. If he still has Cloudkill available, it can cover his escape as well.

Otto's Hoard
A kings ransom of assorted coins and jewels, assembled via a good 30 years of banditry and preying on absurdly wealthy adventurers who fell victim to his schemes(in the early days, before he mastered Cloudkill and confusion, he probably relied heavily on just kicking people into the pit). Some of it has been spent on his cabin and fine foods and luxuries, but it's still an impressive sum.

Otto's Goods for Sale- All manner of magical and mundane items could be for sale, looted from all the adventurers he's slain over the years. They are unmarked by violence, as the owners died of poison fumes, though a bit of an acrid smell may be smelt from the armor.
Sold for bargain prices intended to tease out if the players are rich enough to be worth robbing.
Likely Things For Sale- Y'know, if you don't have a list of 'fun lesser items I want to use someday'
1- Wand (No charges)
2- Sword/Shield +1 (He's got them coming out his ears by now)
3- Cursed Backbiter Spear (his favorite trap item)
4- Niche Potion (like 'control lycanthropes')
5- Healing potions (useless against his tactics anyway)
6- Platemail to make sure everyone is bad at climbing, swimming, etc.

Otto's Personal Gear
Potion of Speed- for extra haste in escaping
Battle Axe +2- for use in quickly chopping ropes, though Otto's no fighter.

Wizard #3- Abductor Captain Ronglio

1-Floating Disc
2-Detect Invisible
3-Dispel Magic
4-Dimension Door
5-Conjure Elemental

Ronglio made his living at the start of his career catching fugitive wizards with the aid of a few hired thugs, at first being nothing but a way to carry abducted people atop the floating disc, then learning how to counter those who attempted to hide via invisibility, then acquiring an all-purpose wizard-foiling tool via dispel magic, and finally getting Dimension Door to simply teleport his targets into waiting ambushes. With that mighty development, he has gone freelance, and become a ransomer of kidnapped prisoners and rescuer of criminals(for a price, of course). His typical asked ransom is to fill up his floating disc with treasure. Having become inordinately wealthy via his extortionate practices, he has a pirate-crewed prison-ship, the Abductor. crewed by faithful knaves who he rescued himself from certain doom via Dimension Door. Abductor is nigh-uncatchable thanks to his summoning of air elementals to fill its sails or water elementals to push it directly, and due to its cargo of prisoners, those interested in saving them can hardly dare attack it for fear of the prisoners safety. Magical means of attacking or infiltrating are often foiled by Detect Invisible or Dispel Magic.
Bonus-If it comes to a dramatic confrontation, have him dangle a chained prisoner off the side of the ship atop floating disc- you kill him, and the prisoner falls into the briny deep! Also dimension dooring intruders 380 feet away into the ocean is always good.

Wizard #4 Keeper of the Pass
1-Hold Portal
4-Growth of Plants

Years ago, invading barbarians raided a small kingdom in the mountains. The court wizard escaped the sacking of the keep and the slaughter of the royal family and peasantfolk and fled to the guard tower that overlooked the mountain pass and sealed the invading army in with a nigh impenetrable thicket of trees and bushes clogging the past. The invading army, fat with looted booty and wishing to return to their home, attempted to cut their way through, only to find themselves in the middle of a forest fire as the vengeful wizard hurled fireballs into the overgrown plant life, and save for a few survivors, they perished in the raging flames.

The wizard still lurks in the watchtower, crazed and utterly xenophobic, preventing any who still live in the sealed-away kingdom from leaving or any outsiders from entering. He casts Hold Portal to delay entrance to his watchtower, and ESP on those attempting to trick their way past him. After the Feebleminding of the wizard Brandi, few wizards are willing to risk their valued brains against the madness of the Keeper. Hallucinatory terrain is used to give an impression of the area around the watchtower being clear during the 18 hours or so per day the wizard is awake, but this is a ruse- the flame-blackened stone walls have grasping creepers and vines outside the very doors of the tower, and all trespassers will burn if the wizard spots them and ignites the patches of vegetation.

Nearly a generation has passed since any news came from the sealed-off kingdom. There may yet be a few survivors locked behind the overgrown forest's ash-eating roots, and there are certainly melted treasures the invaders carried beneath the embered underbrush and forgotten in the sacked castle.

All you'll typically see of Kalavor
 Wizard #5  Kalavor the Merciless
1-Darkness(We had Light earlier so I reversed it)
4-Hallucinatory Terrain
5-Hold Monster

Kalavor Lives near the Akkadian Waste, a desert of small size and annoying location between several  kingdoms, but still a danger to cross unprepared. Traders and armies alike of nearby kingdoms must leave monthly tributes at gallows constructed by the wizard, or face his sorcerous wrath. He uses Invisibility, Fly, and Hold Monster to slay or kidnap those who defy him, via the following method.
He has a camel trained to remain calm when Fly and Invisibility is cast upon it, and enters settlements either in disguise or invisibly. Then, via a lasso or net, he has a variety of ways to inflict his wrath upon his target.
1- Kidnapping- Ideally aided by Hold Person, he can snag people and fly away with them invisibly, returning to his desert fortress via camel with his prisoner. Pursuers may be bamboozled by Hallucinatory Terrain leading them to false oases and landmarks, causing them to become lost and either abandon the pursuit or risk dying of dehydration in the desert. Those who pursue tenaciously will be led to his lair in the Black Crack, a desert canyon, and Kalavor will conceal the canyon as desert with Hallucinatory terrain and cast Fly, then pretend to ride over the safe desert and lure the pursuers to a death by falling.
2-Public Hanging- A ghastly fate, where the victim, either captured beforehand or snagged via a dangled lasso from the flying invisible Kalavor and/or Camel, is dragged through the skies over their town(or caravan) as they are gradually asphyxiated by a noose round their neck, horrifying the populace, until they are dropped into a public location.
3-Unleashed Monster- Having captured a desert monster with Hold Monster, Kalavor tows it into the bedchamber of his target if possible(a basket with a snake or scorpion captured via Hold Monster will do if no monsters can be found), or simply unleashes it as near to town as he can get to wreak havoc.

Kalavors actual lair is a simple hut stuffed with finery atop a perilous spire of rock in the Black Crack, reachable only by flight or climbing. If confronted, he has various tricks to lure people into falling to their doom, like casting darkness near an edge of the spire and flying a few feet out over the fall and waiting for bold enemies to charge in, or (in the event he has but a single foe) debilitating them with Darkness to their eyes or Hold Monster. A trick for escape he likes using in case he cannot fly for whatever reason is to cast darkness on the ground at his feet, then turn invisible and sneak away while people investigate the darkness.
magic jar is a lot like a bootleg phylactery
 Wizard #6 Keyless
1-Magic Missile
4-Ice Storm
5-Magic Jar

A retired adventurer of poor moral character, Keyless has turned to the dark practice of bodysnatching to buy more time and cheat old age. His tower is 3 stories tall, and 3 stories deep, and his corpse lies in stasis in a hidden chamber on the ground floor, in a secret crypt beneath the floor of a room with 4 doors, all barred from the inside. He demands tribute in the form of servants from the nearby settlement, who live and maintain the tower for the wizard Keyless, who takes one of their bodies for himself every so often via Magic Jar, the Jar being a large ruby set in an amulet engraved with the spell in pixie runes. While in a servant's body, he leaves the ruby with his own corpse, but if he were to ever leave his tower, he would take the Magic Jar with him and likely use his own form(unless he was to, say, infiltrate an adventuring party via taking over a character...) but the only reason he'd leave the tower and expose himself to danger would be if tempted by a less precarious form of immortality.

In any case, there are many doors that are barred from the other side and lead to hidden areas and research laboratories below ground, or to high balconies with no apparent means of access, and it is from these places of cover and high ground that he would prefer to smite intruders foes with magic missiles and ice storms and Keyless uses Knock to enter these areas. Use of Haste allows him to get these doors between him and potential enemies, and if cornered in a servant's body, he will likely abandon it, then possess a random new victim if his body is not found before he can recover spells. If worse comes to worse, he may even possess one of the rats in the tower, but would prefer to take a strong or influential body that could help him in his quest for immortality.

Wizard #7 Prince-Burier
1-Magic Mouth
3-Hold Person
This wizard is all about trickery within his own lair, a castle that was drowned in a mudflow from a nearby volcano along with all its treasures and royalty. He uses Massmorph to disguise himself and his 2d4+2 graverobbing friends to avoid direct conflict, and has enhanced mobility inside the half-drowned keep, able to pass through the earth to isolated air pockets and cleared out chambers, levitate up broken tower interiors, and so on.

His nastiest trick is to open Passwalls to areas of the castle that have no exit to the surface and lure people inside with Magic Mouth, then close the passage behind them and either leave them to die or use their well-hidden position and certain doom as leverage to manipulate anyone who cares about the trapped soul. He can also claim that he is the only way anyone can reach the treasure of the sunken castle and so hopefully have people spare his life if he's cornered. His other nasty trick is Hold Person while people are swimming through muddy water, forcing people to rescue their paralyzed comrade lest they drown.

He would also be dangerous in the event that players had their own fortified place to defend, but man, this guy was tricky to make into a crediblemenace and I think would work better in a 'rival adventuring party' situation where the issue is getting to the treasure of the sunken keep before he does.

Wizard#8 Anfar the Beastmaster
1-Protection from Evil
2-Locate Object
3-Invisibility 10' radius
4-Polymorph Other

 Owner of a traveling circus(really more of a grim selection of cage-wagons with sullen creatures inside them ala The Last Unicorn), Anfar's exotic bestiary is entirely composed of polymorphed people who have crossed him, and the occasional kidnapped VIP. A good place to throw NPCs you haven't used in a while. He has grown quite wealthy in unremarkable ways doing things like turning horses into elephants, mice into dairy cows, and other wheeling and dealing of livestock, and has turned to turning people into monsters as a way to entertain himself and get political connections by meddling in the affairs of nobles by kidnapping targets lured by the promise of entertainment at his circus.

He is often attended by 4 faithful but stupid thugs- his own loyal hounds, polymorphed into humans to better assist him. Though of doggish knowledge and sophistication, their unwavering loyalty in their master and simplemindedness can make them 'too dumb to fool' for people who believe them to truly be human hired thugs. He occasionally will stalk targets on a horse or with his dog-men under the cover of invisibility, and clever use of Locate Object helps him follow people he seeks to add to his circus.

In the event of things going badly, he has a few tricks, most involving Polymorph Other aimed at turning an enemy into a monster that will maim whatever is closest, or aimed at one of his dogs to create a more useful, but still controllable beast to attack with or flee upon.
  • Alicorns are dangerous, cruel, and often invisible, but can be warded against by Protection from Evil, and are a popular choice of what to turn his dogs into.
  • Flame Salamanders are exceedingly dangerous and intelligent, but can be used to roast everyone within 20' of the polymorphed target regardless of the new salamanders intentions, and cause huge flaming distractions to cover his escape as flammable things ignite.
  • Basilisks can be good for surprise-petrifying masses of people
His final combat trick requires time to set up, and involves him lifting a 450 pound iron cage into the air and dropping it on people with Telekinesis to either capture them or squish them. If outmatched, he will use Invisibility or a Polymorph to turn one of his dogs into a Pegasus to flee.

Wizard#9 Anzu The Scourge
1-Read Languages- labeled traps
2-Mirror Image
3-Lightning Bolt
4-Polymorph Self
 A pest on every country in creation, Anzu rides the winds in the form of a great eagle(and in fact is thought to actually be some sort of monster, rather than a wizard), and terrorizes any location reached via outrageous demands in the language of the land once Anzu has had a chance to Read Languages and learn enough of the language to be an asshat. Able to escape by land, air, sea, and the warping of space itself via teleport, Anzu arrives, makes demands and demonstrates the power of lightning bolts, then vanishes once tribute is given(and certainly before enough people with bows can be mustered to shoot the 'thunderbird' out of the sky). As if this direct extortion wasn't bad enough,. various bandits calling themselves the "Talons of Anzu" make extortionate demands in this wizards name, and while most of them are almost certainly pretenders, the "Talons of Anzu" have become a phenomenon all over the world due to Anzu's antics, and some of them actually do enjoy erratic support from this mysterious wizard.

Wizard#10 Cursebreaker
2-Phantasmal Force
3-Protection from evil 10'
4- Remove Curse
5-Wall of Stone

Apart from providing free construction, I don't see a lot of potential to be extra-wicked here without basically just relying on charisma and money and mostly ignoring the spells. So I'll have this wizard be someone who was Geas'd to help everyone who asks for curse removal, but they're just selfish and antisocial, so they try to get around their Geas by lurking in a labyrinth that has expanded a little every day with Wall of Stone. The trick is finding the wizard in this giant maze, and avoiding the monsters naturally drawn to inhabit such a place. The wizard is protected from the monsters via protection from evil so they focus on eating people who come to compel the wizard's help and laughing at the suffering of cursed petitioners.

Wizard#11 Crimson Fever Dream
3-Protection from Normal Missiles
4-Wall of Fire
Wizard#12 Reflected Ocean Dream
2-Wizard Lock
3-Water Breathing
4-Wizard Eye

Maybe I've just run out of creativity, but I'm having a rough time with these two. I guess they could mislead people, lurk underwater, be well-informed, be able to have annoying doors, and have decent crowd control and resistance to getting killed by arrows, but they're still not especially mobile or blessed with the ability to much beyond maybe kill people and maybe not be killed, and maybe be tricky in preset situations. Maybe they could be the quirky duo of apprentices to Prince-Burier, another wizard who basically needed a specific context to be anything but ignorable.

Friday, June 1, 2018


For wizards who don't want to be clever they just want to kill things with fire
Becoming a Pyromancer involves embedding a fragment of the sun(or Undersun) into your hand, reducing your HP by 1 die class(or just -1 per level). Using the embedded sunshard requires the hand to not be holding anything or covered up. It is as bright as a candle by default, but can become torch or brighter if you blow on it or if there's a wind to stoke it. You can learn spells by burning yourself badly-if reduced to 1 or less HP by fire or lightning, save to learn a new pyromancy spell (or any spell that's fiery n stuff, really).

Your magic dice(if any) become HEAT DICE. You can recover 1 heat die by dealing yourself 1d6 fire damage. If you wanna use this class outside of GLOG-style magics, just roll 2d6 for spells and assume [dice] is 2 and then deplete em vancian style, and by dealing 2d6 damage to yourself, you can restore a spell slot.

Whenever you roll a 6 for pyromancy effects, roll another HEAT die and add it to the sum and total dice rolled for all purposes except determining dooms and miscasts.
Finally, HEAT dice return to your pool on a 4-6, as the flames rage higher, and are removed on a 1-3, as they dwindle. Bonus HEAT DICE generated by rolling 6's are always removed.

Solar Pyromancies

Immolation- Enemies attacking you in melee without a long weapon take 1d4 points of damage, and ignite on a 4. They may have to make morale checks to dare the flames. You also take 1d4 damage per turn until you extinguish yourself. Your unarmed attacks deal +1d4 damage as well. This spell either wards away swarms, or kills them in seconds.
Dragon's Desperation- blow onto the shard in your palm to billow forth flames, dealing 1dcurrentHP+[dice] damage to everyone within a wide cone of throwing weapon range, and yourself. If this would kill you, make a save at +[dice] to survive with 1HP.
Fireball- A flaming orb appears in your hand, dealing 1d6+[dice] damage to you,+1 per additional target you wish to hit. Targets take [sum]+[dice] damage, but may save for 1/2.
Grip of Cremation- Successfully hit in melee to deal damage=to your remaining HP-1 to a target and to yourself. If this kills them, they are reduced to ash.
Heat Blade
- Imbue a blade with [sum] heat points. Spend heat points before rolling to hit. Heated weapons take 1HP to swing.
    Torchlight- Weapon glows as candle for X hours, or torch for X minutes, X being expended heat
    Liquid Flame- Weapon inflicts damage on misses = to damage rolled -#points missed by. -1 Heat.
    Carbonize- Weapon inflicts +1 damage per point of heat expended
    Heatwave- Weapon Inflicts hit on +1 random target per heat expended within 10'
Steam Cloud- Smack water to create large cloud of scalding steam that deals [dice] damage to those engulfed, -1 per round, until it is just obscuring steam. Lasts [sum] rounds
Dawn Prayer- The Sun arrives in the sky in 2d6-[dice] hours. This is a placebo effect according the the Heleognostics and astronomers.

1-Lose 1 HEAT die from your pool, spell does minimum damage.
2- Choke on smoke, lose next action
3- Carried flammable items ignite.
4-All nearby flammable items ignite, but not yours!
5-Spell has maximum effect.
6-HEAT dice increase in dice size one step for the day, up to a max of d12.

1- You are badly burned and reduced to 1HP. Learn a new pyromancy spell at random
2- You are badly burned and reduced to 0HP. Learn a new pyromancy spell of your choice.
3- You have been consumed by the flames, and your spirit ascends to join Glorious Sol. If any heleognostics witness this, you are canonized as a saint. If it happens underground, you cause a minor volcanic eruption as you burn through the stone.
I considered making this post go on about the metaphysical natures of Sun, Fire, and Lightning in my setting but then I was like naaaaaaah
Lightning- In howling winds and thunderstorms, pyromancy flames can be stoked to greater powers and channel the wrath of Glorious Sol, becoming Lightning, a purer manifestation of the sun than the degenerate flame is.
All Lightning spells deal +1 damage per HD of the target if the target is Darkspawn or Moonspawn(or Chaotic or Evil, to give some cross-system compatibility) and the thunderous booms generally cause terror in ones foes, forcing a morale check.

Charged Body- As Immolation, but long weapons are no defense.
Chain Lightning- As Desperate Dragon, but all enemies may be struck.
Call Down Lightning: During storm, calls down lightning bolt in 1d6-[dice] rounds dealing 3d10 damage to most conductive/hateful object and half to all within 20'. During rain has [dice] in 4 chance to call down lightning bolt in 1d6 rounds dealing 3d10 damage to most conductive     object and half to all within 20'. Continues to call lighting for [sum] rounds
Lightning Blade-As Heat Blade, but imbued weapon ignores metal armor, striking as though target was unarmored. Deals extra damage based on HD as above, nearby enemies save or also take a hit as the lightning jumps and thunder strikes. Sparks and crackles as torch light every blow.
Conduct Wrath- As Steam Cloud, but everything in water within [sum] feet of caster takes that much electric damage.
where undersun pyromancers hang out
Undersun Pyromancy
Overlaps spell lists with Sol Pyromancies,  but without Dawn Prayer or the ability to use enhanced lightning spells in storms, and in fact cannot function in daylight as these spells draw from the nameless and sunken Undersun, not Ascendant Sol.
The following spells may only be case underground.

Brimstone Stench- Nearby creatures with less than [dice] HD save or die each round they stay in the gassed cavern, and all take [dice] damage.
Well of the Undersun- Ground becomes lava. [sum] damage each round lava is not escaped.
Rain of Magma- Ceiling drips magma in a line from wall to wall. Those attempting to cross save or take [sum] damage, then half that again next  round as it continues to burn.
Grip of Slag- Destroy [sum] item slots of melee target and on a 12+ they save or have armor destroyed and take [sum] damage.

Random Undead

I think that making undead fit neatly into 'categories' goes a long way to make them not-scary and yes-boring in terms of encounters. My 'fix' was making every undead a semi-random horrible monstrosity that instills the dread of the unknown.

When generating a random undead, I roll 2d6, with 6s causing another die to be rolled, then divide the final sum by 2 to determine HD, rounding down or up depending on my whim. Fire kills them because fire is magic and burns the evil out of them, not because you can realistically incinerate human flesh so easily, and physical damage kills them because you cut them to pieces. Piercing attacks and blunt attacks do half damage, though against skeletal creatures blunt attacks are fully effective. Cold attacks are effective because the dead tend to be colder than living targets and can be more easily frozen and shattered, even if they won't die of hypothermia.

The Lesser Dead- Gross and hard to kill, but ultimately nothing more than a bunch of creatively murderous physical meat. Up to 4HD.
HD-in-6 chance of human-tier intelligence, otherwise as a rabid animal at best and a mindless murder-husk at worse. 1dHD ghastly powers.
  1. Rib cage functions as giant maw. Auto-hitting bite for 1d6 in grapples.
  2. Intestines function as whip/tentacle with 20 foot range.
  3. Tibia/Ulna function as retractable bone shanks for legs/arms respectively. +4 to hit via surprise the first time they are used.
  4. Flesh is green and putrescent. Save v disease on hit. Explodes in wave of pestilence when slain.
  5. Tough, mummified, jerky-like flesh, or bloated and corpulent rolls of fat. +2 AC.
  6. Crawling hands scuttle like spiders.
  7. Spine turns head into extra flail-type attack.
  8. Cannibal Integration- devouring body parts adds them to the undead's form, though supernatural abilities are lost.
  9. Vomits liquids down nose and into mouth, save or drown each round after the first
  10.  Has some vile fungus growing on it. Yellow Mold, Shriekers, whatever.
  11. Has some vile insects infesting it- rot grubs, killer bees, a big centipede...
  12. Nothing To Lose- AC as unarmored, extra +5 to hit people who have hit it that round. It'll slide down your sword to eat your face.
  13. Muscle Slugs- upon "death," muscles crawl free as a swarm of bloodsucking leechlike undead
  14. Skeleton- upon "death," bones reassemble into skeletal version, leaving meat behind.
  15. Gore- upon "death" viscera and blood become crawling undead ooze that smothers and crawls 
  16. Skinless, flayed, bloody. Skin functions as fragile glider of 1HD and a smothering attack, or +1AC while worn. Skin persists after death of main creature.
  17. Can bend iron bars, smash through crypt doors, etc, at the cost of 1d4HP as the flesh is deformed by unnatural strength unless Greater Dead
  18. Moves at a dead sprint, as unarmored run speed, even if armored. -1d4HP per round of high speed due to body falling apart, unless Greater Dead
  19. Undying- HP damage cannot kill this creature, though it is considered immobile at 0HP. 
  20. Spits teeth as sling bullets with 50' range. Collects new teeth from victims.
The Greater Dead- Eyes glow. Power on par with typical vampires, ghosts, and other horrible beings. Most create spawn if they kill someone in a particular way. Greater Dead have a HD-in-20 chance of being known to the church or other organizations likely to really dislike the undead. They are all intelligent.
+1 Greater power per 2 HD past 3, in addition to 1d6 lesser powers.
  1. Echoes of Death- Can enforce mode of its first death upon people if they fail a save. Examples- Force wings to fail and ropes to snap for death by falling, cause flammable objects carried to ignite for death by fire, cause wounds to bleed without end (-1HP per hit), freeze people, spread plague etc etc. Needs line of sight.
  2.  Can turn invisible.
  3.  Eye contact or a bite or (gruesome delivery method) causes the living to fly into a berserk fury, unable to tell friend from foe but wishing to slay all, then themselves.
  4. Melee attacks also drain damage*10 (or 100, or even 1000, or just a level) XP. Alive with fairy fire.
  5. Being within 5' forces a saving throw each round, or 1d10 year of aging. Looks incredibly aged.
  6. This creature will return from death in a few months or years regardless of how it is killed, unless its spirit is sought out in the underworld and stopped at the source.
  7. Flies around like a meatpuppet on strings.
  8.  Alternate swarmform of burning cremation ash, grave dust, swarm of worms, etc
  9.  Those in its presence lose 1HP per round, and it heals HP lost this way. Mouth appears to be sucking in light and life, a black moaning pit.
  10. Reaper's Tools- Cannot be harmed by weapons. 'impromptu' weapons like rocks and shovels work, axes and swords and fists do not.
  11. Mortal beings save or be paralyzed with fear upon viewing the creature for 1d6 rounds. Hirelings check morale each round.
  12.  Vampiric, heals self equal to damage dealt with its overgrown fangs.
  13. Those damaging it take equal damage themselves. Appears as a dead version of whoever looks at it.
  14. Has learned terrible secrets of death. As spellcaster of equivalent level.
  15. Can masquerade as a living creature.
  16. Doesn't need eyes to see, can detect life within 60 feet.
  17. Fossilized- 20 AC. At least 10,000 years old.
  18. Ghostly form, passes through physical objects and immune to most forms of attack.
  19. Melee attacks force a save or your spirit is knocked out of your body, If struck in spirit form, save or have your soul eaten, body can be coup de graced if no one interrupts. Can repossess your body to come back to life, or someone elses body if it's missing a soul or can be healed of whatever killed that body.
  20. On max damage hits, takes off limb which transforms into 1HD monster. Crawling hand, gut snake, etc. Reattaches to the Dead in 1d6 rounds, returning HP, if not destroyed. Applies to own limbs and other people's.
  1. Powerless in sunlight/dormant during day
  2. Whatever killed it in life forces a save or die when applied in death. 
  3. Cannot set foot over holy grounds/houses/above its grave-level/ships/roads
  4. Must check morale when faced with fire/salt/beans/water/silver/whatever, ignites as though it was oil soaked on contact
  5. Blind.
  6. Missing 1d4 limbs
  7. Cannot harm one of- Women, Children, Dogs, Fools, Nobles, Priests
  8. Pursued by psychopomps seeking to drag it back to hell, must constantly be on the move
Example Greater Dead
Skratti. 10HD. Fell while climbing into the Great Rot.

High move speed
20 foot attack range via haunted ropes
Infested with mold, save or lose a turn choking on spores striking it in melee. Has a rare and valuable mushroom growing on it.
Can command things to FALL AS I FELL, snapping ropes, ruining flight, crumbling footholds, etc on failed saves.
Uses climbing ropes to swing around like spiderman, can rise up on them to 'fly' up to 50 feet in the air
Can't see things further than 60 feet away

Mounds of the Old Lords

Lungfungus and I were working on similar ideas about miniburialmound dungeons and this is my version.

Barrow mounds of the Old Lords- 1/6 chance of outside guardians each visit and upon exiting
 Outside Guardians
  1.  Aspiring Necromancer hoping to take control of dead within
  2. Descendants visiting dead elders(eldead?), not fond of grave-robbers
  3. Exorcist seeking out Greater Dead to banish them. Could be helpful or meddling
  4. Gang of thieves seeking to rob the place. Betrayal inevitable but deferrable. 
  5. Random monster from inside barrow mound
  6. Random monster from local encounter tables
I shoulda done this visually ages ago

Entry- Chamber behind large stone slab, opens into room 1d4
May be sealed by
1- A lock. Keys can be found in other mounds based on lineage and dynasty.
2- A permanently Wizard Locked door
3- A blood altar that requires 8HP worth of blood to open
4-A skull altar that requires the skull of a random nearby monster
5-Slab is just very heavy
6- Spell-eating Loadstone- gobbles the first spell cast in a 30' radius per day.

Descent- Staircase to room 5
Key to room 7 is located in room 1d6, guarded by trap/monster if applicable

All Mounds have the same 7 rooms, rooms 1-4 on the upper entry level, and rooms 5-7 below.
Upper Layout-
1- Upper Layout Square with rooms on the 'corners,' descent in room opposite of entry
2- Upper Layout 'Plus' shape with rooms on ends, Descent in central intersection.
3- Straight line, with rooms 567 doubling back under 432, descent in room 4
4- Spiral path down 50' pit with spikes and dead people at bottom, rooms separate chambers dug in wall at regular intervals. Lower chambers also in this layout, though 3 is still the 'top' of 6.

Upper Rooms
#1-Lesser caskets and urns of cremated people and preserved skulls. Tripping hazard.
#2-Pillar room holding up roof. Bad rolls in combat tend to dislodge pillars
#3-Room is pit with narrow bridge crossing it and alcoves high on walls, 20' drop to 6.
#4-Altar, provides hints as to nature of curse and method of curse removal.

Lower Rooms. Layout is either a straight line, a triangle, or a L-Bend.
#5-Statue of Lord- a preview of any magical arms/armor they may have
#6-Retainers coffins.
Entry to 7 sealed by locked bronze door.
#7-Lord in/near Sarcophagus + 2 treasures. Has a decorative Central Pillar, Pit, Pedestal, Pool, or Pendulum. Key is in room 1d6.

Room Specifics
Each room has 2 things
1 Monster
3-trap- defends treasure if there, doorways if otherwise.

  1. Hallway Portcullis + Bell- Seals easiest route to exit (or route to deeper inside if there's a tie)
  2.  Burning Oil
  3.  Summoning Circle- save vs surprise, 1d6 HD random monster(s) appears
  4. Unleashed Plague Spirit. Animates corpse if it fails to possess a human. I like the diseases here
  5. Inflicted Curse
  6. HP Menacing trap- Rolling boulder, Launched Spear, Arrow Hail, spiked pit, scything Blade

Curse of...
  1. Pyrophilia- Fire damage taken and dealt deals max damage, if ignited you need water to extinguish it or you'll burn forever and you gotta save vs catching on fire if you take even 1 point of fire damage. Cured by casting a being with more CHA than you into a volcano.
  2. Unlife- When killed, you will rise again as an undead. Undead cursed in this way will rise again and again, losing 1HD each time as their body, mind, and soul crumble. Only curable by purifying ritual suicide, sorry.
  3. Beasts- Grow hairy, growly, and bestial. +1 physical stats, -2 mental stats for each stacking application of curse. Cursed monsters have +2AC(not v silver) and Damage. Cured by having your hair braided by a city-dwelling prostitute.
  4. Elf-Curse- Iron and Steel burn you horribly, for double damage or 1HP per round of skin contact. Cured by being forgiven by a fey creature.
  5. Water- You can't swim and will sink like a rock. Cured by kissing a merfolk.
  6. Darkness- Grues stalk you, and will devour you in 1d6 rounds if you ever enter pitch blackness. Cured by sunburn. Grues don't eat undead, but lurk in their tombs all the same.
  7. Instant death! Or actually 1d4+1 magic missile damage striking the cursed one.
  8. Nemesis-  1 Monster per encounter has maxHP per hit die(and max personal treasure if applicable) until you surrender to an enemy.
  9. Bats- You can't see lightsources beyond your own lightsource, and can only see half as far with your own light source. Must descend to the bottom of the Lightless Library, with no light, and read the secret braille name of the King of Bats and squeak it aloud to cure.
  10. Metamalus- -1 to all your dice rolls (or +1, whichever is most often bad). Stacks. No save. Remove one level of this curse whenever a nat 1 or 20 is rolled.
1- Small Stone Chest of tarnished antique coins worth 1d6x100c.
2-Embalming jar of organs. Mummified or pickled, worth 30 coins to sketchy necromancers.
Eating them acts as random potion that slaps you with dungeon curse on a failed save.
3-Massive Silver-runed pottery tablet the size of a chair. A fragile 'spell scroll' that weighs 100 pounds and is worth 1200c intact.
4-Skeletons in steel jewelry (2d4 each worth 10 coins). Monsters here will also wear jewelry bits!
5-Stone Statue holding magnificent Bone/Stone/Bronze/Iron/Silver/Gold Spear (400coins) in both hands. 1/6 chance of being Cursed and Magical(not necessarily dungeon curse, could be like a Backbiter style spear or summat)
6-Treasure Map to 1-5 Another Mound 6- distant hoard of type H treasure+warning of terrible guardian monster.

  1. Skeleton Skirmisher- throws bones, rocks, spears, burning oil, flees if menaced. 1hd but immune pierce and resist slash, and pretty speedy.
  2. Ghouls- dug up from below to eat corpses here. Hungry again now. Rationality and cowardice proportional to fullness.
  3. Tomb Scorpion- Injects acid, save or d20 damage. 1 point of stinger damage. AC 16 but loses 1AC each hit  HD=1d4, # appearing= 1d6-HD (minimum 1) Surprise indicates lurking in burial pot or beneath earth, usually
  4. Warrior Zombie- Largish weapon wielded 1 handed to go first hitting for d8 or 2handed to go last & hit for d10, 2hd, ac 13. Less sluggish than most zombies.
  5. Barrow Wight- XP drainer and well-armed, accursed weaponry drains XP from those hit and wielder. 4HD, AC 15
  6. Cursed X- Reroll, but entity is cursed with dungeons curse and spreads said curse with melee attacks.

Lord Monster of room 7
  1. Greater Dead- See below or just use a vampire, or something
  2. Lesser Dead- as regular monster, just with fancy gear.
  3. Tomb Queen- Giant scorpion that has eaten the corpse and is clad in smaller offspring
  4. Regular Dead Guy- No fight, just loot
  5. Dreamwraith- Appears as harmless corpse, but appears on future encounter tables as dreamwraith to hunt the living and reclaim gravegoods. Only dies if dreamwraith and corpse simultaneously destroyed, as one reforms the other.
  6. Angry Ghost- as Greater Dead but noncorporeal, or just generic ghost. Can't rest easy till the ghosts desires that tether it to the earth are sated. Usually vengeance.
Greater Dead- Wields 1 1/2 handed sword and breastplate (AC15). 8 HD.
1-Dies The Fire- Takes minimum damage from fire. Touch inflicts cold damage, freezes liquids. Fire in melee range saves or is snuffed. An ice-rimed barbarian corpse crackling with every step.
2-Soulrender- Save or be knocked out of body. If struck in spirit form , save or die, body can be coup de graced if no one interrupts. Glows with sickly light and looks half translucent.
3-Dismemento Mori- Every 8 damage takes off limb which transforms into 1HD monster. Crawling hand, gut snake, etc. Reattaches in 1d6 rounds,  returning HP, if not destroyed.
4-Foulblight- Expels gas that explodes light sources in fireballs. Self explodes if hit by fire too. Green, bloated, stinky, corpulent.
5-Flayedlips-Pyromancer Still smokes from failed cremation. Skin like burnt hotdog
6-Skellord- Glowing bones, makes your bones glow and animate before death. Dominate limb on hits as your skeleton rebels against you. Is a glowy skeleton with a scimitar, skeleton damage resists.

Tomb Queen- 8HD scorpion, 1d8 damage, AC 20, -1 per hit taken. Gets -4 to hit unless it attacked the same target last round, chooses to attack whoever hurt  it worst or (if no one did) sticks to one target. When slain, 1d6 baby tomb scorpions begin to eat corpse & defend it. Acid glands powerful and valuable if you can harvest them, armor plates good for shields.
  1. Grab- open 1 claw, aim at target. Save to escape if grabbed, 1d4 squeeze damage each round.
  2. Twin Shear- Wave two claws furiously- 2 attacks
  3. Block- Save to block frontal attacks, up to 1 per claw.
  4. Jab-Only used vs Grabbed opponents.  tail injects acid on hit, make 2 saves. If both fail, you melt from the inside. If 1 fails, acid sprayed on you, lose 1d3 AC and inventory slots/items.
  5. Acid Jet- Tail bulges like cartoon firehose and it quivers in targets' direction. Save or doused in acid, save again or knocked prone, each round doused lose 1d6 AC of armor, Inventory slots, and HP. Damage doubled if no armor or inventory items,  tripled if neither. Save each round to end acid, or dive into water or something.
  6.  Shake off Juvenile- Baby scorpion leaps from back to join melee.

Dreamwraith- Dreaming and dead, their skull, their spirit will hunt those who disturb their body or their treasure as roaming. The spell The Happy Hunt can be learned from the inside of their skull and more details can be found there.