Wizard School (optional)
A Wizard’s Spell List, Perk, Drawback, Mishaps and Dooms are all decided by their School.
Cantrips don't exist in my games unless vital to the class.
Most GLOG Wizard schools should be compatible.
A spellbook is like a terrarium for spellwisps, and an incantation and ritual is the key that lets them out... but also leashes them to return, instead of vanishing into the dream realm like spells cast from scrolls, wands, etc do. They need not be actual books- tattoos, inscribed jewelry, stone slabs, silk scarves, swarms of fairies, etc may all be forms a 'spellbook' might take. Making something qualify as a 'spellbook' requires the investiture of a magical component (Kraken Ink tattoos, paper made from a treant, stone from a mountains heart, etc etc).
Upon binding a new spell, you add it to an existing 'spellbook.' Multiple spellbooks take up more inventory slots and require exotic components, but leaves one less vulnerable to losing all your spells if you get pickpocketed or drop your a book into lava or something.
You may cast spells from shared or captured spellbooks provided you can read the language, break any codes, avoid any magical traps, etc etc, by casting Speak With Magic upon a wisp within. Otherwise, you have to rebind the spell as normal to 'learn' it properly.
Speak With Magic
You can cast your own soul as a spell to see and communicate with spellwisps, so everyone has this spell so long as they have their soul. This is how you bind discovered spellwisps to a spellbook.
It is also necessary to cast spells from another wizard's spellbook.
You may ID [dice] spellwisps per cast, whether in terms of items scrutinized or as a way of scanning wizards to determine their spell-lists.
Each casting allows you to interact more deeply with one ID'd spellwisp.
Its general disposition to you is as [[sum]] on a 2d6 reaction table, modified by your INT modifier instead of CHA.
Reaction Table (rough)
3 or less- Spellwisp hostile, may activate targeting caster or otherwise turn against them. It cannot ever be learned or utilized favorably if the intent of the Speak was to bind a spell. If it was merely IDing or attempting to cast from another wizard's books, the spell acts uncontrollably but as no binding was attempted, this does not disqualify the wizard from learning it later in a binding attempt.
4-8- Spellwisp indifferent and will act as it is inclined or bound to do. It may or may not identify itself, though its appearance may provide clues even it it is uncooperative. It may be learned with effort and access to its current habitat, as it will not follow the caster.
Spells from other wizard's books may be cast if this level of Speak is reached, though more MD must be utilized. 9-11- Spellwisp friendly and may act in favor of the caster. It may follow the spellcaster in the hopes of joining them later, ending any other effects. It may be translated as above.
Spells from other wizard's books may be cast with the MD invested in speak with magic+any additional invested MD at this level.
12 or more- Spellwisp may be learned and enter your spellbook for free in any style.
With regards to casting from another's book, same as 9+
Binding- You may add spellwisps you have access to a Spellbook you have via one of the following means, after rolling a 4+ on Speak With Magi for that spell. It may be important to note this does NOT create an additional spellwisp, it merely creates a place for one to reside and return to.
Components for wizardly business cannot be obtained from safe shopping in town, and must be recovered from wilderness/dungeons/adventuring. This is a personal design choice to encourage adventuring over shopping and avoid the 'industrial magic revolution,' and lore-wise is justified by items and beings that are part of society having their energies harnessed to Law and thus contrary to the chaos of magic.
1- Golden Rune-
If you cannot appease a spellwisp via Queen Witchery, you can bribe it with a gilded cage instead.
By spending 500 coins worth of gold per level* you can bind a spellwisp to a spellbook. Certain thematically appropriate treasures may count towards value, though they must be incorporated into the spellbook- an example would be a fiery ruby for Fireball, or accepting copper instead for lightning spells. Thes
*Determine level either by finding a roughly equivalent vancian spell level for the spell, or just use caster level, which admittedly is kind of a punishment for levelling up but oh well.
2- Bloody Scroll
If you cannot appease a spellwisp via Queen Witchery, you can create a miniature afterlife habitat for it and lure it to your side with grisly material components. You need 1 component per level*, and they are almost always monster parts. An example might be a dragon heart for fireball, a harpy's egg for charm person. Typically, these components are never things you can retrieve without killing, or if they are (like a unicorn horn) harvesting it also steals the creatures power and makes it unsuitable for further harvest.
for wizardly business cannot be obtained from safe shopping in town,
and must be recovered from wilderness/dungeons/adventuring. This is a
personal design choice to encourage adventuring over shopping and avoid
the 'industrial magic revolution,' and lore-wise is justified by items
and beings that are part of society having their energies harnessed to
Law and thus contrary to the chaos of magic.
level either by finding a roughly equivalent vancian spell level for
the spell, or just use caster level, which admittedly is kind of a
punishment for levelling up but oh well.
3-Queen Witchery- These spells require the appeasement of a spellwisp, which varies greatly by context. Generally the spellwisp will want to engage in a behavior akin to the spell's effect, in optimal/enhanced scenarios- a lightning bolt wanting to smite 5 metallic targets in a line, for example.
If the spellwisps demands are satisfied, it joins the caster's spellbook
With access to an appropriate amount of Biblion Aleph moon-slabs, a spell may be fragmented into its component Words, with a 1-in-6 translation error chance per word, or slab-words recombined into more stable Spells of styles 1-4, with a singular 1-in-6 chance of a translation error. Their effects typically end at sunrise or in daylight.
learning new words is hard, more reliable effects can be made by locking yourself into having two words.)
Moon Chalk-
Required to quickly (1 round) capture a word from the environment,
writing it on a slate. 1 stick of moon chalk can write 2d10 words/runes.
Capturing words with chalk or engraving requires a handwriting check, a
1-in-6 chance to make a typo like Lake to Like, Fireball to Furryball,
etc etc (when a typo occurs, all players can suggest ideas for what it
should be and the GM can pick or roll from the options). If you are
damaged or otherwise interrupted this round, a typo always occurs.
To cast an impromptu spell with Words, pick any number of Words you
have access to. Filler words like 'the' 'of' 'from' can be used to make a spell name without needing them as a Word. Other mages may assist and contribute their own words as
their action as well. A 1-in-6 chance to mispronounce the spell must be
rolled, which may have various mishaps occur like incorrect targeting,
inconvenient duration or unexpected interpretation of the effect
contrary to what you were trying to do. All players may contribute ideas
as to what a spell, mispronounced or otherwise, might do, and the GM
may roll randomly or pick one effect. Temporary words written in chalk
are lost when cast, but words engraved on slabs are not.
Moon Slabs-
engraving a chalk-captured word into a moon slab gives the holder of a
moon slab permanent access to that Word, but Moon Slabs can't be
changed, and hold only one Word or Spell each.
You can also engrave
multiple words onto a blank moon-slab to make it a proper Spell. Such
spells do not check pronunciation when cast, and are more stable-their
effects should be written up when created. They operate via usual
GLOG-style magic dice, vancian spell slots, or once per day.Moon Runes- You can write(with moon chalk) or carve (with a moon chisel) runes of
words you know onto things to make semi-permanent effects, but this
calls for a handwriting check and a 'pronunciation' check
So you could write "Fire" on a sword to make it a FLAMING SWORD (until
the rune is damaged).
If you failed handwriting it could end up as Fir and the sword turns to
If you failed 'pronunciation' it could misinterpret it as 'Fire(verb)'
and shoot the blade out like a crossbow bolt from the hilt.
effects not permanently locked into place via runes will typically end
at sunrise or with exposure to sunlight, as moon-magic gets overridden
by the sun. This form of magic is extremely powerful in intersolar
Mana Restoration
When you eat a lunch to heal HP, also recover 1MD per dice of healing if some manner of magical ingredient was used- typically monster parts from monsters with supernatural powers. You are not immune to any other effects from eating these substances.
Luncheons are a combination of ritual, consumption of chaos, and morale boost. As such, they do not recover HP/MD in 'safe' locations like town, nor do ingredients bought in town contribute. All ingredients must be fresh, and storage of additional portions simply become inert rations.
may have extra MD infused into them by the following methods, but at least 1 must come from the casters default pool. Increased
cast time roughly goes from a Round, to a Turn, to an Hour, to a Day,
to a Week, to a Season, to a Year.
- People
with MD may donate them to you as their action for the duration of a
spell cast. Both parties suffer mishaps, dooms, etc, though keep track
of whose dice are whose with regards to returning to a spell pool. Donators cannot donate more MD than the main caster is investing.
- Similarly, supernatural patrons such as the gods, local spirits, ghosts, etc may be able to grant bonus MD in exchange for services, favor, piety, etc.
- Rare
ingredients of appropriate thematic nature may add an extra MD to a
spell. As a rough guideline, the square root of the HD the monster the
ingredient is from is the bonus MD. Low-value gemstones crushed on use are a common component that grant +1MD. Multiple ingredients must each be unique.
- Live sacrifices may add MD similar to Rare Ingredients. They must be thematically appropriate.
- A location of power, such as a volcano for fire spells, graveyards, leylines, etc, may add +1 MD.
Drawing on ambient mana like this typically increases casting time. - Ritual
casting via reading from a spell inscription carefully and perhaps
drawing runic circles may add +1MD. This is sometimes referred to as
'Book Casting.' and it increases the casting time to one hour, or by one stage if it is already at least that slow.
- Invoking a targets True Name grants +1 MD to spells used on/against them.
- Magic Robes grant +1 MD to the wizard after resting in them, though this is lost if they are removed. They fill an inventory slot, can't be worn with other armor or outfits, and mark you very obviously as a wizard. They tend to be covered in runes, ribbons, stars, sunset tie dye, eerie monochrome, accessorized via a huge hat, etc etc. You don’t start with Wizard Robes and they are not typically for sale.
You can lessen or undo the effects of a spell cast at you or your allies, by declaring you would like to Counterspell, then choosing a spell that could disrupt the workings of the spell you wish to counter. You cannot disrupt a spell by 'blowing the caster to smithereens' or 'teleporting out of the way,' it has to be a spell-vs-spell scenario. Naturally this is very subjective.
If you have a Spell in your repertoire that is an effective Counterspell, then subtract your [dice]/[sum] from the [dice]/[sum] of the attacking Spell. You still suffer lost MD, mishaps or dooms for this roll.
This takes an action, but you may leap out of initiative order or even take your next round's action early. You can't counterspell again until you've taken a turn (or skipped a turn because you spent it early counterspelling).
Milestones for Levelling Up (or Down, occasionally)
A replacement for XP. Start with one of these (typically Apprentice) to explain your first level. Each only apply once, naturally, and any activities that count for multiple only count for one.
- Apprentice- Be tutored by someone much more skilled in the magical arts than you, until they deem you ready (typically by having a Spellbook, experience with Speak With Magic, and a spell of your own). Education via Wizard College works too, provided you pass.
- Artificer- Create a unique Magical Item. You lose this if you lose the item, until recovered.
This does not necessarily imply you know how to make magic items, but permanently placing known spells into them and loadsa gold and weird components seems likely.
- Its ALIVE- Create a sapient lifeform. You lose this if this being dies, and cannot gain it again.
- Master- Take on an apprentice, and raise them such that they qualify for Apprentice.
- Duelist- Triumph in a high stakes 1v1 duel with an enemy wizard of equal (at least) power.
- Oathsworn- swear to serve someone besides yourself. Lose this if you betray/abandon/forsake them. You cannot ever renew this oath if broken, but if you are dismissed or released from your oath due to non-oathbreaking reasons you may swear to serve someone else.
- Tower/Dungeon- Obtain a personal base of operations. Lose this if you lose control of your base.
- Familiar- Obtain a magical minion who is both your servant, and a source of knowledge and power. Lose this if your familiar is lost for good.
- Secrets-Either learn things None Shouldst Know, or destroy or hide such knowledge for the good of the world. The former makes you a target for the latter, and is lost if you forget. The latter is lost if the knowledge resurfaces, until it can be reburied. Minor Yg/Lumar favor.
- Fate- Fulfill a prophecy to show you know the shape of fate, or thwart one to show you are unbound by any such shackles.
- Nemesis/Rival- Swear enmity towards an entity. If they ever forgive or forget about you, or vice versa, lose this milestone. After your first, you may only get a new nemesis if someone makes you theirs first.
- Warlock- Sell your soul for power. Your Doom includes whatever you sold it to coming to collect.
- Death- learn the secrets of the Netherworld. Ideally without dying, but whatever works
- Transcendence- Become a Lich or otherwise immortal, occultum blood, beyond human, etc.
- Gnosis- Enter your own dreamscape with Borehole and confront yourself to learn your True Name, as well as facing your inner demons and such. Any other method of confronting your subconscious/learning your True Name probably works too. (This is likely a Nightmare Dungeon of depth equal to your Level)
- From Beyond- Realms beyond our own may offer unimaginable powers. (Flailsnails placeholder)
- ???
Magical Experimentation
It is possible to negotiate with spellwisps to obtain slightly different effects. An example would be 'Light' being used to blind or being reversed into Darkness, a Floating Disc used as a shield, a Web spell used to swing between buildings, etc. It is safer to try to create a variant spell can perform these tasks reliably than to cast experimentally repeatedly. When casting experimentally, miscasts and dooms are always possible, and an extra 'mishap' die is rolled to increase the chances of this occurring (this die does not increase [dice] or [sum] for the spell).
To create variant spells, there are two options- spell tweaking, and spell breeding.
Spell tweaking permanently applies an alternate creative use of a spell as a permanent part of its description, provided an appropriate magical component is used. Only one permanent 'tweak' per spell can be had upon a spell at a time, with more significant changes requiring breeding. Tweaks vanish when a spell is used for breeding and do not affect outcomes.
At the GM's discretion, wizards may be allowed to have a 'signature spell' that has no limits on creative 'tweaks' applied to it, allowing great versatility as new uses are thought up with over time.
Spell Breeding is the more in-depth action intended to be a replacement or alternate system for spell research. Spellwisps may be 'bred' together, though the word is not entirely accurate, being more akin to the stuff bacteria get up to in terms of splitting, plasmid sharing, etc.
2 spells can be fused in this process once per week, 'downtime' increment, level up, or whatever a GM deems appropriate. Allowing it to go on without limit with shared MD, multiple attempts, multiple days per week, and so on bloated my own campaign horribly and made sitting around 'spreeding' more effective than adventuring so while I found this system very fun, strict limits must be placed on it!
Upon completion, both spells vanish, both the wisp and the bindings within any spellbook they may have been held in, and the breeder(s) will roll all invested MD, checking for mishaps and dooms but using the following charts instead, and one new spellwisp per MD used is born (mostly). These spellwisps can be negotiated with and transcribed as usual, making other wizards as tempted to assist in the hopes of gaining a spare wisp as they are fearful of things going horribly wrong. Spellwisps that are not quickly caught will vanish into the dreamrealm, so I allow for no degree of people coming and going mid-breeding attempt or to be partially present or bring new materials, as unbound wisps will vanish within ~5 rounds or so unless bound. Thematically appropriate preparation, location, and material components expended in the process informs 'desired changes' to some degree. A Levitate Spell being bred with Magic Missile, along with Roc Wings as a component, or a Roc Nest as a magical locale, might be a way to upgrade the spell from Levitate, to a highly precise mode of Flight as a desired outcome for instance. Due to the influence of the component, any 'spare' magic missiles produced by 2 and 3 results might take the form of winged ghost-talons, and the wisps may have the appearance of a ghostly roc.
Breeding Results (1 Wisp Per Die)
1- Nothing!
2- Mutation- Spellwisp an unpredictably mutated variant of one of the consumed spells.
3- Twinned Replication- Two Spellwisps created, clones of one of the original spells.
4- Complication- Spellwisp exhibits desired change, but is unpredictably mutated.
5- Hybridization- Spellwisp is hybrid of both spells, determined by GM or spicy player ideas.
6- Success! Spellwisp exhibits desired change.
Breeding Mishaps (Roll once per doubles). Typically caused by spellwisps having an excess of power.
1- Run Amok- a random spellwisp casts itself 1d6 times on random targets before calming down. MD of casts are 1dX, where X was the # of dice invested in this attempt.
2- Fled- Random spellwisp flees before it can be spoken with. It still exists... somewhere.
3- Alien- Random spellwisp extra strange, requiring exotic language, logic, etc. Attempts to Speak With Magic ignore highest MD roll.
4- Enchantment- A random spellwisp fuses with a nearby item, which gains its powers somehow, either as a one-time activation or a more permanent effect. As a spellbook is almost always around, this explains why magic books tend to get a little quirky over time. While this may create useful items, it is likelier that they will be more akin to traps, hazards, and curios.
5- Exploded- A random spellwisp shatters into component Words, which engrave themselves as Runes if not swiftly captured by a Moon Tablet. These words may be derived from the title of the spell, or words more descriptive of the spell's actual effects in case the name is not descriptive.
6- Convergent Speciation- Random spellwisp ignores breeding results, is a random spell determined in whatever manner the GM pleases.
Breeding Dooms (Roll once per triples). A reminder of why multiple spellbooks are handy
1- Enmity-A random spellwisp hates all present, though it may conceal this. If bound, it always casts in such a way to harm the party. If unbound, it may seek out enemies and offer its services, or cause mayhem.
2- Jailbreak- All nearby spellbooks release their spellwisps, casting the spell and requiring recapture via speak with magic (but bindings already exist, so costs need not be paid again)
3- Orgiastic Corruption- Each loose spellwisp makes a 1MD breeding check with a random spellwisp in a nearby spellbook, magic item, local enchantment, etc.
4- Spawn Infestation- The local area is packed with uncountable copies of a spellwisp, making the effects widespread and permanent to the area.
5- Possession- A random spellwisp attempts to inhabit a nearby brain. Those so possessed may become wizards/learn this spell for free, but they also must save vs magic or follow the inscrutable whims of the spellwisp until it is exorcised.
6-Manifestation- random spellwisp manifests in waking world with 2 HD per MD used in the ritual.
Spellwisp Mutations
- Feeble-Spell has less effect, numerically or in potency. Fireball deals Sum/2
- Brief- Spell duration reduced 1 step on scale of Instant<Round<Turn<Hour<Day<Season<Year<Permanent
- Sessile- Spell has range reduced to Touch.
- Smol- Area of effect or # of targets reduced to single target. If already single target, reduced to single body part.
- Niche- Spell has reduced utility- Charm Person becoming Charm Human, for example
- Hungry- Spell always requires thematically appropriate material component to cast.
- Sluggish- Spell takes effect only after time equal to original casting time passes again.
- Exhausting- Stunned for 1 Turn after casting spell
- Unspeakable- Take 1d6 Wisdom Damage after casting spell
- Hazardous- Take 1d6 HP damage after casting spell
- Fussy- Spell can only be cast under certain conditions (full moon, rain, inside, etc)
- Incomprehensible- Spell has a 3-in-6 chance to simply not work when cast, modified by int mod
- Erratic- Spell hits random target from those available
- Runic- Spell must be written, not spoken, to cast, requiring some means of making markings.
- Potent- Spell has increased effect, numerically or in potency. Fireball deals +1 dice of damage.
- Enduring- Spell duration increased 1 step on scale of Instant<Round<Turn<Hour<Day<Season<Year<Permanent
- Roaming- Spell range doubled, or increased to 50' if less than.
- Massive Chonker- Area of effect or # of targets affected doubled. If single target, increased to 10' radius
- Generalist- Spell has increased utility- Charm Person becoming Charm Biped, for instance.
- Chain- Spell recasts-itself with 1 less MD and jumps to nearest viable target.
- Adaptable- Spell does not add a mishap die when being cast experimentally.
- Neuter- Spell cannot be used in spell breeding with other spells, deeming its current form perfect.
- Translation Error- Spell experiences mispelling, changing effect. Fireball to Furball, for instance.
- Reversed- Spell does opposite of original effect.
- Subtle- Spell can be cast without it being obvious spellcasting occurs.
- Silent - Spell can be cast with only a gesture.
- Still- Spell can be cast with only a word.
- Cantrip- Spell can be cast as Cantrip, which sets all used MD to 1 instead of rolling.
- Mutagenic- Miscasts with this spell always cause a Permanent Mutation Chance result.
- Borer- Rends rift to Dream Realm (or similar planes of reality) when cast for duration. Things may come through or enter.
- Metallic- Unaffected by iron/lead/silver.
- Sympathetic-Requires a personal belonging or body part to target living beings. Has unlimited range if you do.
- Predatory- Miscasts instead indicate the destruction of another held spell or magic item.
- Corrupted- Miscasts indicate drawing the attention of something.
- Dramatic- Spell is noisy, flashy, and attention-drawing. May force Morale checks, but also Wandering Monster checks.
- Chaotic- Additional effect as per a Wand of Wonder.
- Hexed- Miscasts indicate nearby crops wither, milk spoils, unborn things mutate.
- Unnatural- Caster and any targets age +1 year when cast due to elemental wrath.
- Shadow- All nearby flames snuffed out. Other light sources save or are snuffed.
- Forbidden- Insight to understand spell comes with other dread knowledge, +1 Insanity. Knowledge and insanity may be discarded if spell is also discarded and forgotten.
- Palette Swap- Spell changes to random energy type such as acid, ice, lightning, etc
- Metamorphosizing- Spell changes to random spell upon miscast, keeping mutations.
- Glyph- Spell forms rune, which takes effect and targets anyone seeing it fully.
- Braille- Spell forms rune, which takes effect and targets whatever touches it next.
- Name- If you know the targets true name, they cannot pass saves/the spell always takes effect.
- Liturgical- You may add Words to this spell when casting, if you have any.
- Divine- Associated with an appropriate god. MD come back on a 4-6 instead of a 1-3, but the spell cannot be cast in blasphemous ways.
- Slow- Spell takes an increased time duration to cast.
- Battlemagic- Caster can attack in melee the same round this spell is cast
- Darkling- All players present come up with something
COMMON SORCERER TYPES TO WATCH OUT FOR (this is all tweaked reposted content)Through contracts with fairies, some of the ancient arts of the Elves yet remain in mortal hands, even if those hands once overthrew the Alvish Hegemony in the form of the Witch-Queens.
Perk- All your spells are fairies that buzz around and try to help.
Drawback- All your spells are fairies that buzz around and try to help.
[R]Self [T]Self [D] Until Midnight
Clothing and makeup becomes awe-inspiring, providing your choice of [dice] bonus to reaction checks, friendly morale, or penalty to enemy morale, depending if you are dressed to impress, to inspire, or intimidate.
2-Mirror Image
[R] Sight [T] One Thing [D] Concentration
Create [sum] mirror images of something. They only have form based on what you can see, the backsides/interiors being fuzzy static. They pop like a soap bubble if touched.
3-Eye Games
[R]Touch [T]One Thing [D] Varied
Semi-permanent invisibility to a target, but with a random twist based on what is rolled. You may pick based on what numbers you got.
1-Only invisible so long as you hold your breath. So long as no one sees you doing it, you can take a break to breathe visibly, and then become invisible again by holding your breath, but once you breathe in sight of something, it ends. Exerting yourself requires a CON check or similar each round, as might pain (which could be WIS)
2-Clothing and equipment not made invisible. You become visible once you get the invisibility dust rubbed or washed off from the friction of movement and so on, in a day or so, or if you put on clothes/get splashed by water/grappled.
3-Only invisible so long as you keep your eyes shut. If you can see through your eyelids for some reason this won't work- it's operating on the 'they can't see me if I can't see them' principle. Once someone sees you, it ends.
4- Piece of cloth, usually a cloak, is made into an invisibility cloak that is itself invisible as is anything beneath it. Ends once you drop it, or somebody not under the cloak touches it.
5-Only invisible so long as you don't hurt anybody or break any laws/agreements, which ends the spell.
6- While standing still, you're invisible. You can become invisible again if no one sees you move, but once spotted it ends. Fear may require saves to keep still.
4-Elf Gold
[R]Touch [T]Leaves, Acorns [D] Until touched by Iron, or Dawn.
Transforms leaves and acorns into coins and gemstones, temporarily. The larger the false payment, the larger the eventual consequences... 3+ dice makes the transformation not expire at dawn.
5-Alvish Override
[R]40' [T]Fairies [D]1 hour at most
Compels a group of fairies, goblins, or other fey servitors to perform a specific number of tasks for you. The exact number is irrelevant because if the fairy likes the task it won't keep track, and if it doesn't like you or the task, it will declare things like 'breathing is a task' and hold its breath until it falls over and passes out. They will also inevitably get bored and wander off after an hour of cleaning or carrying the lantern or whatever you set them to.
[R]80' [T]One Awake Being [D] Until Woken
Targeted creature falls asleep if [Sum] > HD. They will wake at loud noises or other disturbances. Slumber can instead affect [Sum] Total HD, allowing for groups of opposition to be put to sleep, but it then allows for a saving throw from all targets.
At 3+ dice, if a save is failed the slumber is Enchanted Sleep- Progression of aging, hunger, poison, disease, dying, etc halted. May only be woken by a specific conditional, like the kiss of royalty or the crow of a hen.
Attacking or otherwise injuring a slumbering target (or allowing allies to do so) will cause the fairies to leave in disgust, losing the spell.
7-Jewel Wings
[R] Touch [T] [dice] willing beings [d] 1 day or night.
Transforms the caster and friends into hummingbirds for a day, or hummingbird moths for the night. AC is as Plate+3 in these speedy forms, but items are left behind. Spellcasting is not possible in hummingbird form unless the spell needs only hummingbird-friendly gestures, incantations, etc.
8-Elf Shot
[R]60'[T]Any [D] Instant
Fairies fly to vantage points and fire small arrows of golden light which resonate with whatever frequency and energy form will prove lethal. Apart from crocodile skin, there is no physical defense against Elf-Shot, and it always hits.
It deals [sum] damage, which can be divided among targets within range as the caster pleases.
9-Elf Shield
[R]Touch [T]One Being [D] [Sum] Rounds
Fairies carry small golden bucklers and swarm to block attacks from the one they are ordered to serve as bodyguards of. This provides disadvantage to enemies making frontal attacks, advantage to the shielded subjects saves from basically frontal threats, and immunity to Elf Shot and other Magic Missile spells from any direction.
[R]Touch [T]One Spell [D] Permanent
This spell removes a spell from a book (or whatever the permanent abode of the spellwisp is) and turns it into a Great Fairy. It can also be used as a counterspell/dispel magic/remove curse of sorts but this can prove quite troublesome in its own way.
Great Fairies cast their spells with 1 magic die that always rolls a 1 with any variables also always rolling 1, and will almost certainly be subject to many nerfs that the GM finds appropriate, such as Polymorph only affecting one limb at a time or Light manifesting as the fairy glowing as a candle.
One of the many downsides is that the fairy is not particularly intelligent, is overly enthusiastic about using its spell incautiously, and must be treated fairly well (or constantly micromanaged with Elvish
Override) to ensure its continued cooperation.
this is you trying to get out of paying your fairies |
Treat it as a retainer in terms of getting half-shares of XP and
treasure- the treasure goes towards keeping the Fairy happy(their tastes
are exotic and varies based on the spell), and the XP is lost from the
inevitable consequences of delegating adventuring instead of doing it
1- Fairies go on strike. MD only return on a 1-2 for the rest of the day.
2- Fairy gets lost- this spell can't be cast for the rest of the day.
3- Get caught up arguing with fairies about wording- can't cast spells or talk about other things for 1d6 rounds
4- Goblinization- Mutation, save or it is permanent.
5-Overly excited fairies leap to your command- cast an additional random spell
6- Iron Moon Resonance- Take 1 damage per iron object you have on you.
1- Add a bonus 1-in-20 chance of fey critters to wandering monster checks. Some are nice, most aren't.
2- Contacted by emissaries of Summer or Winter who want to recruit you. Whichever one you don't pick will turn all related fey hostile to you. If you refuse both, the Wild Hunt is sicc'd on you.
3- Either follow the call of Elfland and retire into their dreams of ice, trees, and dark... or incur the wrath of the Iron Moon as it takes you for a loose Alf and aims to collect your soul.
Wizard-astronomers who worship the sun, spurn the moons, and fear the primordial darkness. They are a little different with each solar age.
Perk- Good at astronomy
Drawback- Scared of the dark
1- Corpse Candle
[R] Touch [T] [sum] Candles [D] [Sum] Hours
A number of candles are rendered, lit, and stuck to a surface, created from the fat of a nearby corpse. The flames turn blue in the presence of (choose 1 per dice) Lies, Spellwisps, Undead, Invisible Things
R: 10' T: self D: Same as Cast Time, essentially.
Cast time 1 Hour
Outlines of the sun, the moon, and every star in the sky (but not the black stars behind the pales stars) appear around you. You can use them to determine the time of day, true north, predicted weather, and your approximate position on the globe, as well as the next Moon that will come, if in the Moonlands.
As a bonus, you may read the horoscope of [dice] sentient creatures per casting. Roll 1d10 per horoscope. 1-Doom- Disadvantage on next Save 2-9- No effect aside from the usual platitudes. 10- Triumph. Creature automatically passes their next Save.
If the casting and horoscoping is interrupted, everyone gets a Doom result on their horoscopes.
3-Merciless Dazzler of Black-eyed Ulric
R: Sight T: Creature with Light-Sensing organs D: varies
A brilliant white ray shoots from your eyeballs. Target must Save or go blind for [sum] rounds. If 3+ dice are used it is permanent until healed by a certain herbal poultice, and 4+ allows for no save.This spell scares other Heleognostics silly.
4-Glorious Starburst
R: 100' T: area D: [sum] rounds
You fire a flare 100' upwards. It hovers there, providing light as bright as moonlight for 300' diameter radius, for [sum] rounds. You can command the starburst to move horizontally, change colour, rise an additional 100' per round, or explode into sparkles. If it strikes a creature or object, it deals 1d6 fire damage to them, lights them on fire, and then explodes into sparkles. Sparkles last as long as the spell but give erratic illumination, as 1d100 candles scattered about a 100' diameter area. They may ignite straw, dry grass, etc.
5- Luminweave
R:Line of Sight T: One Illusion D: [sum] rounds
An illusion is created from the ambient light. It is silent and limited in color based on nearby light. It is reactive to your imagination so long as you concentrate on it.
If cast in pitch darkness, it is not an illusion.
6- Roving Star
[R] 10’ + 5’ per round [T] Direction away from caster [D] [sum] rounds
An infant star is called from the void within 10' of you. Each round, it moves 5' straight ahead (you designate the original direction).
Creatures or objects in a 10' radius of the star take 2d6 worth of fire and Law damage (though it is not the Law of people or suns), Save negates. If the spark strikes a creature or object directly, or it is struck (AC12), the spark will bounce in a random direction away from the direction of impact, gaining 5' speed and momentum.
The spark floats 5' off the ground and inflicts half damage in broad daylight, and is very bright indeed,
illuminating a radius of 60’ around it quite well and 60’ more dimly.
7-Focused Solar Scrutiny-
[R] 60’ [T] One Target at a time. [D] [sum] rounds
Light in the area is focused onto one thing. If targets are switched, lights return to normal before coalescing again.
1st round- All dim light is gathered up and focused on the thing. It is now clearly visible, though torchlight and worse will be notably reduced, as if a spotlight followed them.
2nd round- More light is concentrated. The target is blinded, and any deceptions, illusions, and so on are revealed. *(Not in the 5th Solar Age)
3+ round- All local light is beamed directly onto the target. Anything less than a bonfire appears only as a thin beam of light aimed at the target, who shines bright and blinding. The light begins to fry the target, dealing damage this and each following round. Each smaller light source provides 1 point of damage, and larger sources such as the Sun deal 1d6.
8-Forbidden Dawn
[R] LOS [T] Local Area [D] [sum hours] or until daybreak
The dark sky begins to light up slowly, as though a red dawn was on its way. Used underground, it makes one direction seem to light up. This provides dim light all over, with very gradual darkening/lightening as the Forbidden Dawn is approached or fled from. The forbidden source of light never appears directly in view of any sentient creature and is much further away than one might expect- which is just as well. Everyone who has sought to see the Forbidden Dawn either reports an inability to reach the light before it recedes, or is never heard from again.
9-Rebuking Mirror-
[R] 60’ [T] 45º Cone [D] [dice] rounds
The lawful and purifying light of the sun comes forth from a bottle it was kept inside. Capturing it takes an instant, but releasing it and fueling it with ones own magic allows it to last longer. Elementals associated with the Darkness revert to inert, regular lumps of matter if [sum]>HP. If not, they
still seek to escape the light, and take damage= [sum] if they endure it for more than 1 round.
Darkspawn are forced to assume a permanent form and lock their statblocks in if exposed to the light.
The light also prevents shapeshifting, illusion, etc, though already transformed or disguised figures are not affected- they simply cannot change while the light is upon them. Lycanthropes cannot heal, doppelgangers cannot transform, living statues cannot move, illusions can’t react to input etc etc. Not In the 5th Age!
10- Solar Fragment
Actually several different pyromancies. Depends on what Solar Age you are in.
1st Age- ???
2nd Age- YG-A's Grip of Cremation- Touch. Deal [sum] fire damage and incinerates [dice] inventory items.
3rd Age- Alfstar's Rebuke- 20' radius around caster. Deal [sum] glittery fire damage to ugly things.
4th Age- Sword of Riikhus- Engulfs a sword in flame. +[dice] bonus to hit and damage for [sum] rounds.
5th Age- Sword of Heleos- As above, with lightning. Metal Armored foes are automatically hit.
6th Age- Prayer to Aurum- Dawn arrives [dice] hours sooner.
7th Age-???
1- Flash of light blinds self and adjacent for 1d6 rounds.
2- Pulse of darkness consumes spell at end of round and panics all Heleognostics nearby- save vs fear with +1 per level or act like a twit having mistaken it for Doom.
3- Nearby light sources Save or are darkened for 1d6 rounds. Flames still burn, black and invisible.
4- 1 magic die lost as excess magical energy consumed fruitlessly by the greedy light.
5- Nearby puddles, water reservoirs, etc become 1d6’ deeper and clouded with stinking mud. If the Enmity of Water is had, they also extend 10’ towards the wizard and are thrice as deep.
6- Cave 1d6 feet deep opens beneath wizard. If the Enmity of Earth is had, Quintuple the depth.
The darkness is coming for them, though the question remains as to from where. The element that spares you is known as your Mercy, and you must either seek to deeply offend your mercy so that the Abyss squabbles and is unable to claim you, or ensure that you survive via your Mercy whenever you suffer a doom from now on.
1- They earn the enmity of the Abyssal Water, Earth, or Air, but apart from a sense of unease, they do not know which it is. All magic dice lost for the day.
2 - They learn of the enmity of the Abyssal Water, Earth, or Air. The nearest appropriate form attempts to claim them either by storm, flood, or earthquake, as appropriate. They also earn the secret enmity of one of the two remaining Abyssal Darknesses, but do not know which.
3- Their Doom comes at last. The only way to survive is to identify which element is merciful and escape the other two. This Doom repeats each new Doom roll if the wizard survives.
Doom of Water- The Midnight Sea flows from all directions, waterfalls coursing over the distant mountains and the sky weeping torrents as the waves rush to claim you and bring you to the Abyss.
Doom of Earth- The ground opens beneath your feet. The quicksand pours all the way to the Bowels Of the Earth. Grasping at crumbling handholds, you fall. It closes.
Doom of Air- The moaning sky descends, a whirlwind with a crown of stars. You scream as are sucked up into the High Howling Darkness.
Mercy of Air- As the water comes and the ground crumbles, the sky remains calm and open. So long as you can escape from the hell on the ground, you won’t be pursued.
Mercy of Water- Below you is a fathomless, lightless abyss that grumbles and yawns wider, and above you is a raging hell of waves whipped to froth by tornadoes and hurricanes. So long as you can ride the watery border between air and sky, neither dragged down by whirlpools into the earth or pulled up by whirlwinds into the sky, you will see a blue sea at the end of this.
Mercy of Earth- The air screams outside, flensing the earth away, and the water trickles all around, trying to find a way in. This hard, hidden place will be your grave if either of the softer elements finds a way inside, but for now, it is your fortress.
A monastic bunch from the Sun Mountains (Aka Barrier Peaks) who are the stewards of a bunch of cursed and legendary weapons. They often take up swordplay and heavy armor. Their leader is the Saint of Blades. They can draw magical power from their cursed weapon but are not encouraged to do so. Their doom is, naturally, losing control of their cursed weapon.
Perk/DrawbackCursed Weapon- Determine type randomly. It is forbidden for Hellknights to use this weapons, and forbidden for them to spill innocent blood. They can also draw +1 Magic die from their cursed weapon, though this die always shifts to the lowest possible matching number, causing mishaps and even dooms if used incautiously.
1- Awaken Blade
[R]Touch [T] One Weapon [D] One Attempt
Opens a gate into a weapon creating a nightmare realm of 1 depth per dice used. Each depth cleared grants the weapon a +1 enhancement (this does not stack with any existing bonuses), and if depth 5 is cleared, a unique magical ability awakens. Each layer reveals secrets of the sword as well.
Layer 1- The Hall of Blades. The collective sea of the soul of weaponry, the realm is cleared by locating the weapon among its peers (and surviving their attentions).
Layer 2- Tempering Birth- The weapons memory of each blacksmith who has worked on it and reforged it. The blacksmiths must be overcome, then the methods of the swords forging replicated.
Layer 3- Bloodstained Notches- a battlefield populated by everything the weapon has ever killed. The battlefield need not be cleared, only crossed, with certain key battles perhaps being inescapable.
Layer 4- The Razor Bridge- a realm where there is only the weapon, day on one side, night on the other. The upturned edge must be crossed without being cut too deeply by the blade, or the questions it poses.
Layer 5- The Riddle of Steel- The blade must be fought at its full potential, wielded by an idealized dream of the wielder it most desires. This eidolon must be overcome so that the weapon accepts you as its true wielder.
2-Sword Speak[R] Touch, may touch weapons [T] One Weapon [D] One Conversation, either may end it
As Speak with Magic, but for weapons. Weapons convinced to join the caster cannot be wielded by others
3- Riikhus's Trumpet (Dirge)
[R] 100' [T] [dice] targets[D] InstantIn a flash of light and an alarm to wake their allies, the mage may instantly garb themselves or others in the arms and armor they own, the items leaping from their resting places, cherubs of dead Riikhus carrying the gear.
If Reversed, it may strip people of their arms and armor, allowing a Save to resist.
4- Razor Waltz [R] 10’ [T] 1 weapon [D] [sum] rounds
A targeted weapon floats to attack autonomously, with to-hit as though the mage was wielding it. Save to hold onto a waltzing weapon if currently wielded. Weapons return to sheath when spell ends.
5- Bridge Perilous
[R] Touch [T] 1 sword [D] [sum] Turns
A bladed weapon grows to cross a chasm or river or descend from a mountain as a ramp, but angles itself blade up. Crossing is perilous indeed.
6- Gate of the Knife
[R] Touch [T] 1 Door [D] Permanent till Knife removed
[dice] Knives or similar small weapons may be jammed into doorframe or similar threshold. Those going through the door take a hit from all embedded knives. The maximum number of knives is based on the highest number of dice used in a single casting of this spell, otherwise new knives cannot be added without being slashed out of the way by already-embedded knives.
7- Align Body
[R/T] Self [D] Sum Rounds
aligning your internal energy flow, your level-based attack bonus
becomes +1 Per Level, and you may fight as per a fighter, which may give
you auto damage, secret techniques, extra attacks, or whatever based on
system. After casting, you may immediately make a melee attack.
8-Foreign Techniques
Get a spell from here instead
9- Nalil Translation
By translating one spell into Nalil, the language of the Feather and Carnage moons, you can turn it into a fighting technique instead of a strictly arcane one.
Great inventiveness may be required for ruling on more esoteric spells.
Mishaps1-The cursed weapon gleams, drawing the eyes of the covetous and powerhungry
2-A random nonmagical weapon snaps with a thunderous crack
3-The cursed weapon slips and cuts the mage for 1d6 damage.
4-The cursed weapon devours all magic dice for today. They can be drawn forth from the weapon though they are now cursed as per the usual magic dice drawn from it.
5-The cursed weapon slips and cuts a random target for 1d6 damage.
6-The mage absentmindedly wields the cursed weapon. It cannot be unwielded till noon.
Doom1-The cursed weapon strains at its bonds. The mage's magic dice are cursed until the weapon can be resanctified.
2-The cursed weapon's bonds are cracked. It can manifest dark powers until the weapon can be resanctified.
3-The weapon breaks free. It dominates the wielder on the next new moon and uses them as a puppet for a campaign of slaughter. If abandoned, it will simply lure some other poor victim.
The doom can only be avoided in two ways- destroying the weapon and suffering a permanent -4 magic die penalty until another cursed weapon can be stolen, or redeeming the dark spirit within the weapon and turning it to the side of Light. This has happened once in recorded history, and the result was the first Saint of Blades.
The eaters of lotuses, blue and black, mushroom gobblers, witches and evil cults who draw power from the darkness beyond the sunlit lands. Also, so much coffee.
PERK-You can function as though awake when unconscious or asleep, with disadvantage to everything. Coherent communication also impossible.
DRAWBACK- Sleeping has a 1-in-20 random encounter check of a Nightmare Incursion being drawn to you.
1-Pretender's Mask
[R]Touch [T]1 corpse[D] [sum days]
Peel off the face of a corpse. The corpse crumbles to dust, as does the face in [sum] days unless 4 dice are used. Anyone can wear the face and look and sound like the dead being, though only to other sentient beings- animals, spirits, and undead are not fooled.
2-Create Undead
[R]Touch [T]1 corpse [D] [sum] days, with a 1-in-20 chance to break free every day.
Wisps of your own Nightmares animate a corpse, or part of a corpse. It is obedient only for the duration of the spell. It has up to 2x[dice] HD, and at least one sinister power for every 6 rolled.
3-Nightmare Aura
[R] 50' [T]-1 thing [D]-Sum rounds
One living thing is imbued with a fearful aura. Those viewing must save to approach or stand against it. NPCs check morale. If 4 dice are invested, being in the presence of the fearful thing causes 1d4 Wisdom damage each round. The effect ends if the being is damaged.
[R]Touch [T]1 person or section of floor [D] [sum] Turns, permanent on 4+dice
A perfectly circular hole is bored. In a person, this hole leads to their dreams. On a dead person or undead, it leads to a nightmare realm. In a structure, the hole leads down 1 level. If there was not anything below, a dungeon is spontaneously created. The hole closes after the time is up, but any generated realms remain, and the nightmares beneath will likely maintain an exit for their monsters.
This spell is a staple akin to Speak with Magic in Saresare.
5- Word of Madness
[R] touch [T] 1 target [D] [sum] rounds/turns/hours/days, [dice] determining duration increment.
A word is whispered to something, the caster careful not to hear it themselves. The target must save or go mad. They get a new save after each duration increment is up, and are permanently insane if all are failed. This works on inanimate objects.
[R]Target must be able to clearly hear you [T]1 target [D] Permanent
You call down a frightful curse on a person, place, etc. You specify (out loud) the effects (eternal sleep, turned into a toad, etc) and the conditions to lift the curse (true love's kiss, pigs flying, etc). You do not need MD to cast this spell.
Lose 1d6 levels. Mitigate the loss by 1 level for each dice invested in this spell. If you drop below Level 1 you die and your soul is bound into the curse until it is lifted.
7-Fade Into Dream
[R]50' [T]1 thing [D] [sum] rounds
Target questionably real until the time is up. Anyone may save vs Spells to disbelieve a faded target- if successful, they can neither affect or be affected by the target in anyway until the spell ends.
1d- a person, a door
2d- a wagon, a horse
3d- a dragon, a house
4d- a castle
5d+ Inadvisable
8- Waking Dream
[R]sight [T][sum targets] [D][sum rounds]
Create an illusion within the minds of the targets who fail a save. They behave as if the illusion was real, collapsing at the bottom of imaginary pits, fleeing from imaginary dragons, unable to see or move through walls, etc.
9- Swap Persona
[R]Eye Contact [T]1 being [D] [sum] rounds
Switch minds with target if they fail to save. Permanent on 4 dice. Swapping back to a dead body either causes death or spontaneous undead reanimation.
10- Know Fear[R]Sight [T]1 living being [D] Instant
Identify the targets greatest fear. You must save or develop the same phobia- it's not your greatest fear but you really see where they're coming from.
If you can create this fearful scenario, real or false, they must save vs fear or die of fright. On a success, they cannot be scared to death again.
1-Can't sleep tonight. No benefits from resting, including MD recovery.
2- Age +1 Year
3- 1d6 random nearby corpses rise as hostile undead
4- You suffer Fear of your target for 1d6 rounds
5- Nightmare beast noticed you. Mustn't sleep until it loses your trail.
6- You doze off for 1d6 rounds. If a nightmare beast noticed you, beware!
Doom1- The nightmares claim you when next you sleep. Your body appears dead until you wake up with 1HP and white hair.
2- Your twisted psyche spawns a nightmare creature based on your fears, secrets, insecurities, etc. They are added to wandering encounter chances as a bonus 1-in-20 chance.
3-So long as you are awake, the dead rise from their graves and come to kill you. If you ever go to sleep, you are cast into a your very own nightmare realm, its danger level being about twice your own.
You can avoid your doom by becoming undead or finding some other way to avoid sleeping permanently.
Silk Wizards
Hailing from Saresare, they draw upon the power of a bound entity called the Silken one. They are known for being desert ascetics who practice martial arts and fasting.Perk
You can channel 'touch' spells through silk.
Duels are common between Silk wizards, with the victor taking parts of the losers spellbook. Taking nothing from an opponent is more of an insult than killing them is, and typically the most gracious and diplomatic action is to take a single spell and spare the life of the loser- though if an inexperienced wizard beats a more masterful one, it's considered tradition to take just enough silk to 'outrank' the loser by 1 spell.
1-Sand Skin
[R]-Touch [T]-One Being With Skin [D]- [Dice] Attacks or one dungeon turn.
The next [Dice] Attacks that deal less than [sum] damage deal 1 damage instead, as one turns to sand briefly to allow it to pass through harmlessly. Mishaps also cause you and the recipient to also fill [sum] inventory slots with Sand, which take 1 round each to drop and leave a mess.
2-Aspect of Weaver-
[R]-Touch [T]-One Being [D]- [Sum] Turns
Target's feet+hands (or appropriate analogues) are coated in silk that allows them to walk on ceilings, walls, and have advantage on grappling. With 1 turn, you can bind and gag a person with the silk, or web something in place, but the silk will dissipate and cannot be collected long-term in any way.
3-Fire Friend
[R] Sight [T]- [sum]Candles/Torches/Bonfires/Forest Fire. Scale depends on [Dice] [D] Until Extinguished
Fire affected by this spell will bend out of the way to avoid harming you, and will spread or not spread in ways favorable to you. Torches and Candles will even flicker out rather than give you away to your enemies, but larger fires prefer to simply immolate your foes and are less considerate in general.
4-Aspect of Drifting Feather
[R] Sight [T]- Up to [Sum]x50 pounds [D] Until grounded
Things affected by this spell fall slowly and land safely and silently- unless there is wind, in which case they can drift on the breeze like a feather.
5-Aspect of Gallows
[R]-Touch [T]-One Rope [D]- [Sum] Actions
You can control a rope as though it was one of your own limbs, provided it remains in contact with your skin. After casting, you may immediately take a rope action.
If it is silk rope, add +1 Action before the spell ends.
[R]-Touch [T]-One Living Being [D]- see description
By wrapping the target in a silken cocoon, you may turn a living creature into another living creature of roughly the same mass if it fails a save. You can even turn something into itself to heal its wounds- either way, the target gains [sum] temporary HP until the transformation ends.
This lasts [sum] rounds if 1 dice is used, [sum] Turns if 2 dice are used, and [sum] Days if 3 dice are used. 4 dice makes it permanent.
7-Flying Bolt
[R]-Touch [T]-One Piece of Cloth [D]- [Sum] Rounds
You make a piece of cloth(traditionally a bolt of silk) of any size able to fly as swift as a bird at your mental command. It can carry [Sum]x50 pounds. If large enough it can be used and sundered as a shield, protecting who you dictate. It also works on many kinds of carpet.
If 3+ dice are used, duration is in Turns. If 4+, duration is in Hours.
8-Dust Devil
[R]-30' [T]- 15 foot diameter area [Sum] Turns
You create a small whirlwind, 30' in diameter, 100' high, that moves at 30' per action as you command it. It throws small objects around, blocking most missile fire, and may kick up obscuring dust. Those in the whirlwind move at half speed and flying creatures may be forcibly crashlanded.
Mishaps- roll 1d6.
1- Spellsilk Spellbook/Clothing flies loose in an unnatural wind and must be caught. It doesn't want to escape, only be free for a bit.
2- Gagged by own spellsilk for 1d6 rounds.
3- Bound by own spellsilk for 1d6 rounds, or if spellsilk is too small, levitated 1 inch off the ground and held midair by the tiny piece of silk for same.
4- Lose 1 casting die from your pool
5- Mutation for 1d6 rounds, then Save or it is permanent.
6-Your spells have 50% chance to turn against you until either a day passes or a spell betrays you.
7- Restore all magic dice to your pool.
Doom- The secrets of the Silk Wizards were gleaned from a powerful magical spirit bound in a lamp. It is known as the Silken One. It was like a spider and a moth and a wind and a flame, and it had faithful servants from another too-similar reality that can easily cross over to ours. One way to avoid the Doom is to live in a harsh, inhospitable land as an ascetic, eating almost nothing and never interacting with more than 7 other people at one time. The other is to capture one of the dread Silken Servants and bind it into a bottle and keep it as a hostage as insurance against other servants.
1- Your magic draws the attention of the cultists of the Silken One. The details of this incredibly secret society is unknown even to the Silk Wizards- all you know is that the next time you encounter more than 7 people in a group, one of them will be an assassin with a poisoned dagger out to kill you.
2- Your magic draws the attention of one of the Silken Servants. You have 2 options- either find another Silk Wizard within 7 weeks and burn their silk, keeping none for yourself, or simply ensure that you see no living creature that you do not know on the 7th day of the 7th week, lest the stranger reveal itself to be a Silken Servant and destroy you. Contrary to what you may think, the latter option is by far the harder one.
3- The Silken Servants are on your trail and will never leave it. They will torture you for the location of their master, and you will not need ears to hear their questions, nor a tongue to answer them. Every 7th stranger will somehow be a cultist, and every 7th cultist will be a Silken Servant. You must either forsake society and the company of strangers forever, or take a Servant hostage.