I reread the AD&D Monk over Christmas and was amazed at all the sheer janky madness there is. I did think it was pretty cool in general, though the specific details make them headaches and a bit of information overload for starting monks.
As such, I think Monks will henceforth be 'Fighters,' just with specific 'Secret Techniques' that lean them more monkish.
Intended monk progression is probably supposed to have them start off more as standard fighters, wearing armor and using weapons, then gaining confidence and technique to discard these, in an amusing reversal of the normal looting cycle. Having bad strength and dex stats can be mitigated by skillful techniques as a monk, while innately good stats are not rewarded.
While normally fighters may only use 1 technique per level, the following restrictions will unlock two additional monkish techniques to be learned from the beginning if followed.
Ascetic-Monks may forsake the accumulation of wealth, accepting no wealth beyond what they can personally carry. They further limit themselves to 5 magic items maximum, which can be weapons, rings, and miscellaneous items that are basically 'worldly' items, ie, ones not too wizardly or divine.
They still should lay claim to their fair share of items and give them to worthy NPCs, store them in shrines, etc.
Note that 'Unarmed' combat requires all hands to be free, and combinations like 'unarmed punch and shield' or 'unarmed punch and dagger/pistol' are not allowed except, perhaps, with another secret technique not found here.
Empty Hand Way- While standard fighters educate themselves in battlefield tactics and strategy, abandoning the training to command troops allows more time to develop personal combat. Monks may forsake the ability to have hirelings(except for the level 1 monks attracted as disciples at level 8), and forsake the default fighter's technique, which allows fighters to make 1 attack per level against HD 1 foes who are leaderless, simulating routing them with superior battlefield tactics like flanking, linebreaking, etc etc.
The Ranking-
Monks may forsake the collection of GP to XP and simply level up along with their companions (though they should still take shares, if only to donate them to charity/their old master and school).
Alternately, their skill could be determined by them defeating foes of appropriate 'Dungeon Level' in singular battle, though this and later iterations of Combat Rating tend to be wildly off base. Still, it's a thought that encourages them to seek duels with worthy foes to prove themselves.
Upon reaching Level 8, a Monk may seek out one of the Five Dragon Masters (or equivalent, such as a real dragon) and challenge them in single combat. Failure (if survived) will demote that loser to level 7 (halfway to level 8) and allow the winner to either continue trying to ascend to the heights of mastery(allowing the loser to maintain their position), or defend their new ranking from challengers. At this stage, they will attract 1d4+1 followers, +1 per level, and may either take over the temple of the Dragon Master they defeated, or begin gathering funds to build their own temple and take care of their followers in an allowed deviation from the Ascetic restriction.
- Disciple-Beginners impressed with a master's martial skills
- Novice- Disciples who know enough to know they know nothing
- Fist- Upon demonstrating professional competence with weapon and fist techniques.
- Foot- As above, but with kicks, footwork, and movement
- Hand- As above, but with open hand techniques and grappling maneuvers
- Head Student- Skilled enough to manage a training session of greener students
- Sensei- Skilled enough to manage or inherit an existing school, but not develop your own.
- 5 Dragon Masters- Skilled enough to defeat a dragon. Those at this level or above are masters of the art. Defeating a Dragon in honorable combat is usually enough to have the rank honorarily bestowed, so the Bai-Szue Empire has many more than 5 Dragon Masters.
This is the rank at which all 'default' monk techniques will be learned- additional techniques will be necessary to distinguish yourself with your own style. - Master of the Temples-Skilled enough to crush multiple dojos, defeating every member in search of more esoteric martial arts.
- Master of Masters- An undefeated streak of defeating other Masters will grant this title by reputation.
- Master of the Mountain Peak-Granted to those who have defeated a mountaintop Sword Saint of either the Ina Barrier Peaks, or the Saresaren Leng Plateau.
- Master of the Clouds- Granted to those who have defeated an Ape Sage of Aakasa Parvat.
- Master of Fallen Snow- Granted to those who can defeat a Giant of Geatland in unarmed combat.
- Master of Fallen Leaves- The title of a monk who has triumphed against an bonsai dryad.
- Master of the Aurora- For beating starspawn, moonspawn, or other celestial terrors
- Master of the Dawn- for defeating ascended saints of the Solar Celestial Court
- Grand Master of Flowers- The title of a monk who has attained perfect harmony with nature
- - At this stage, the competition is entirely inhuman. Rumors of mad Alves, the Saint of Blades, ancient demons, grandmasters who continued training beyond death, and worlds beyond this one are pursuits that will take seekers beyond myth and legend and into infinity.
High Temple of The West Winds
Saresarens here, sometimes called
'Dervishes' by idolatrous Mercian barbarians, train in high mountain
temples that overlook the bleak deserts below. They are known for
wearing blue and white silks, with long sleeves and scarves, and dual
wielding scimitars rather than focusing on unarmed combat. They, like the Silk Wizards of the region, place high importance on fasting, mental discipline, and ascetic avoidance of luxury and comfort, and their techniques have spread throughout the world from ancient times.
- Eternal Pure Mountain Dew**&- The secrets of health may be developed by physical and mental discipline, diet, and exercise, granting the monk immunity to Haste, Slow, and Disease.
At level 6, a monk may meditate so deeply as to appear dead- they will endure conditions like extreme cold, starvation, etc during this state as if exposed for only 1/10th the time.
At level 11, immunity to Poison is gained. - Contempt Of The Wind*- Nonmagical missile attacks (arrows, thrown weapons, etc) may be saved against to be avoided, and explosions such as fireballs and dragon breath that allow a save for half damage may be entirely avoided upon a successful save.
At 9th level, even on a failed save, such attacks still only deal half damage.
*=Not compatible with body armor
&= Not That mountain dew... unless...?
Void Monks
The most notable temple is in Oroboro, though they pop up all over the world. These techniques are characterized by detachment from so-called 'reality' and are just as effective when used by the decrepit and weak. The branch in Oroboro, founded by Bers, who studied under Sa, is known for utilizing Brain Wasps to pith their brains and serve as the wardens of accursed silver swords that contain the Hatecubi of Isfrix. In the 6th age, they ideologically decay into a mercenary company no longer aiming to remove suffering and attachment, but only using their skills for worldly pursuits.
- The Empty Fist- This technique increases unarmed damage from the default 1d3 as levelling continues. STR no longer affects to hit or damage, but if melee weapons are used, weapon attacks deal +1 damage per 2 levels, rounded up.
You may also attempt to Open Locks as a Thief by striking them.
Unarmed Damage by Level
- 1d3- Additionally, blows that exceed target AC by 5 or more stun
- 1d4 those struck by the Empty Fist, as their senses are temporarily discombobulated.
- 1d6 They are disoriented and unable to act for 1d6 rounds, and suffer a -4
- 1d8 AC penalty due to blindness and stun for this duration.
- 2d4 The Empty Fist can also apply this sense-blocking on willing targets.
- 1d10
- 1d12 At level 7, the Void Fist is learned. Stunned targets have a 20% chance to
- 2d6 be immediately slain, +1% per level over 7, -1% per point of AC. Such targets may implode,
- 3d4 be slain by pressure points, or suffer other ghastly demises depending on the monk's style.
- 3d4
- 4d4
- 4d4
- 5d4 At level 13, Hollow Quivering Palm is learned. Once per week (more kills the monk at the
- 5d4 conclusion of battle) they may activate this technique- touching their target within 3 rounds
- 6d4 allows the monk to slay the target immediately, or within 13 days, so long as they are not
- 5d6 undead, only hittable by magic weaponry, or exceed the monks HD or have over triple HP.
- 8d4
- The Empty Mind**- Void Monks first learn to empty their mind, and later, may actually empty their head literally by destroying the brain. They enjoy grants a +4 Bonus to save against ESP, Charms, psychic blasts, etc.
If the brain-removal ceremony is completed, the monk becomes wholly immune to psionic phenomena, including the control of Ego weapons, Geas and Quest, and those who make mental contact must save or be shocked catatonic for 1d6 days, or have their own mind read by the void monk (monks choice). This ceremony is risky (Save vs Death to survive) and so is typically put off until detachment from life or death is achieved.
**Requires adherence to the Ascetic code of detachment - Blindfighting*- Void Monks learn to fight blind, each significant battle reducing either the AC or the To-hit penalty by 1 (requiring a total of 8 such fights). Upon mastery, the Monk's senses are so honed that they can hear heartbeats, echoes, feel disturbances in the air, etc etc, that within a range of 30', they are perfectly aware of solid objects, enemies, etc.
Due to the eerie senses granted, you may Detect Traps as a thief would, and Disarm some by striking their mechanisms with vibrations (others must be problem-solved away normally).
*=Not compatible with body armor - Void Cut- By forming vacuum vortexes, hypersonic blood flicks, qi-blasts, ranged attacks may be made. These attacks are made as per thrown spear range, but never deal any special damage or effect beyond 1d8+X, regardless of weapon, technique, personal prowess or strength, etc and can only strike normal weapon-immune monsters if enough levels are had (4 for each +1 required).
These attacks, like Empty Fist weapon use, deal +1 damage per 2 levels, rounded up.
Monkey Style- So taught by the apes of Aakasa Parvat. An ancient unarmed style practiced by gorillas, technically, the term 'Monkey Style' is a derogatory one used to describe schools that what would in the USA be called a 'McDojo.' Such inferior techniques (Lacking Ascetic or Empty Hand Way to unlock extra technique use) are oft taught by wicked Baboons in the deserts and jungles of the Saresaren/Yuba border. Thanks to these inferior yet more well-known schools, the term became so cemented in Common that it cannot be escaped, being the very source of the term 'Monk,' and these copied techniques spread across the world under a variety of different names.
- Thousand Falling Petals*-This technique allows for extra unarmed attacks to be made each round, every 4 full levels allowing for one additional attack. Apes and/or multi-armed beings of the original teachings can make a claw/claw/bite attack from the
very start of their career, but humans are not so lucky. Variants exist among Bonsai Dryads known as Thousand Autumn Leaves and Thousand-And-One Needles, and variants throughout the world, such as the Thousand Beaks of Revel Shrike-and-Branch style can be found also.
*=Not compatible with body armor - Speak No Evil**- unknown to the pretender schools, the empathy towards all life practiced by the apes eventually blossoms into the ability to speak with all animals at Level 3, and all plants at level 8.
Due to the careful thought put into making noise, you may Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, and Hear Noise as per a thief.
Elvish Blade Dancing- Ironically, has been out of favor with elves since the 3rd age, but humans still sometimes learn it from elves... or goblins. No armor may be worn when performing either technique.
- Dry-Rain-Dancing- Grants +1 AC per level, base 10. Dexterity modifiers do not apply, for better or worse. Also grants +15' movespeed, and +5' more per additional level past 1.
- Swallow-Perches- This allows standing, running, and fighting upon objects as though you weighed only as much as a small bird.
You may Climb Walls as a Thief.
Falls count as 20' less if there is anything within reach to break your fall- tree branches, cliff faces, etc. At 6th level this increases to 30' and an additional 5' reach is granted.
At 13th level, safe fall distance is infinite, the technique is typically called Meteor Walking, and and additional 10' reach is granted.